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  1. C

    Discovery II Diesel Conversion

    I posted several days ago about a member of Texas Rovers who was offered a diesel replacement for his 4.6 that suffered an oil pump failure. Yesterday I personally checked this story with this member (which I should have done before I posted) and found out whlist the engine failure part was...
  2. C

    Discovery II Diesel Conversion

    A member of Texas Rovers with a 2004 D2 that suffered an oil pump failure was offered a diesel replacement under warranty by LR Dallas. Only problem was he had to pay $9K for the conversion "bits".
  3. C

    Best Discovery II year?

    If you opt for an '04 keep a "rainy day" fund handy for repairs that are sure to come, HGs being at the top of the list. '03's had oil pump failures but that's about all. For some reason the 4.6 in the '04 seems prone to several well documented assorted failures. My '04 ran flawlessly from 29K...
  4. C

    Land Rover Questions - help a newbie :)

    Head gaskets are an issue with 2004 Discos (just had mine done at 57K). Also there was an oil pump "issue" with certain 03/04's. There is a VIN range available for vehicles that could be affected. Do a LOT of research.