55K miles on a 7.3 diesel? This thing is barely broken in. Looks like a VERY nice Tiger. Haven't priced these in a long time, so no idea about that but looks to be in excellent shape. My 2001Tiger 6.8L V-10 gasser now has over 250K miles, still going strong.
My goodness this was a long time ago. I hunted up this trip report for friends planning their first post-retirement wander, happy to see people still enjoying it. Have done several cross-country trips since this one, still lots of stuff to see :)
How fun to login after so very long and find my friends out and about hunting waterfalls. Great story & pics! Kids are HUGE, stop feeding them. Best to Beth :) It's about time for that west coast trip methinks ...
Congrats on the Tiger!!
I'll echo what Diplostrat said about the chill at the top of the older Tigers - that fiberglass top does nothing to keep you warm, and you live where the winter is real. Even if you lose a little storage space, I'd tack in some insulation up there in the cabinets...
It turns out joe5986 doesn’t want this because his stove won’t fit, but I got it out and don’t use it so if you’re interested drop me a PM. Top is 22.5 x 14.25, my coleman stove fits on it with room to spare. Pardon the dirt.
$100 + shipping.
Great report and pics, thanks for the effort in putting it out there. I was in No AZ during this time and you're right - BRRRR! But fun :)
I was happy to see Adventure Travel Sport Rentals putting these vehicle up for rent. Sounds like they treated you well. I think it's great that people...
This trailer is ridiculously clean, if I didn't know you better I'd say it never got used!
Bump for a great deal and the nicest seller you'll likely meet :sombrero:
OK Aaron, go get yourself a vehicle and do a whole bunch more trip reports like this. I'm a sucker for clouds and timelapses, so cloud timelapses? Um yeah.
I was up in the southern Sierras recently too, SO many roads to explore up there - it's OHV heaven I think.
Thanks for posting :sombrero:
That is a beautiful, unique Tiger - if inside is in any kind of shape like outside and you're getting it "cheap" - do it!
I have no answer to your question, but it's always a good idea to listen to T.Low (esp re: V8 :D ) & ihatemybike & the astrosafarivans guys.
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