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    LugEr pistol

    The Lugar pistol was not chambered for the .30 Mauser. The two cartridges that the Lugar was chamber for were the .30 Luger (7.65 mm X 21 mm) (NOT interchangeable with the .30 Mauser) and the 9 mm Lugar (Parabellum) (9 mm X 19 mm).
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    LugEr pistol

    First, it is LugEr not Lugar. It all depends of what type of Luger you will be getting. Luger pistols have been produced since 1900. Some are worth a couple of $100 and some are worth tens of thousands dollar. The vast majority of Luger were produce in 9 mm Parabellum (9 mm Luger, 9 mm NATO, 9...
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    Open Carry in Wilderness Areas

    Here is a reason I "carry" when I venture out:
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    I can vouch for that. I had a friend in college that work in a canning plant during the summers. He said the only difference was what roll of labels they put in the machine that day.
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    Stainless steel and Prop 65

    In California they are trying to ban dihydrogen monoxide because of all the bad effects it has on humans. See here: And by the way coffee also had that label on it at one time. But money got it removed...
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    Bed Liner Confusion

    Rhino lining, Line-X, Raptor Liner and now a new guy in town Custom Linings all claiming they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, flush toilets AND splinterless toilet paper. I am totally confused. All I want to do is line the inside of my 1/4 ton Canadian military trailer to protect it...
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    Coyote Brown T-Shirts

    I know this sounds a strange request but when camping and off-roading (I guess they now call that "overlanding") up in the mountains I like to wear a subdued t-shirt. I just think it looks cool. Anyway, I need to replace my subdued t-shirts. The ones I had were Fruit-of-the-Loom but I can't seem...
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    I have made my decision on my personal experience (I realize that it is anecdotal evidence and results may vary). Over the past fifty years of what use to be called 4-wheeling (now called I guess it is called overlanding) I have had three occasions were the presents of a firearm prevented the...
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    In this case there was 100% chance of needing a firearm:
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    You also seem to be playing doctor by diagnosing my motivations ("No, its fear"). Just returning the favor. At least I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once!
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    LocoCoyote, IF, and it is a REAL BIG IF, I am suffering from fear: you are suffering from Optimism Bias! See here:
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    I disagree with you when you call it fear. The proper term is situational awareness! A person is afraid only when they are not prepared.
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    It is not fear. It is being prepared. "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."- Benjamin Franklin
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    Reliable Matches?

    Another native American fire starting method starts at 12:14.
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    Reliable Matches?

    Speaking of fire starting methods, how about this one:
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    Police in California and CCW Permits

    I can see it now: Question - Do you have any ammunition in your car? Answer - No, just a ton of weed. Reply - Have a nice day, sir. Next car. Officer - I see a 22 RF round on the floor board! Out of your car with your hands up! Up against the car! You are under arrest for bring ammunition into...
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    PM me with your email address and I will send you the pdf file.
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    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    FYI - In the third edition (1918) of "The Complete Official Road Guide of the Lincoln Highway" in the section entitled "Don'ts for Tourists" it states "Don't carry loaded firearms in the car. Nothing of this kind is in the least necessary except for sport, anyhow.". I strongly disagree with this...
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    Good place to shoot off of Irwin Road, Barstow CA ?

    Go to Google Maps, satellite view or better yet Google Earth and do an aerial recon of the area you are interested in. There are a number of YouTube videos on doing this.