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  1. C

    ExPo Member Entry - 2012 NORRA 1000 Rally

    Hey Team Bronco, I just uploaded a video of Day 3 Stage 1. your car's at the starting line at :35 and then we pass it when you were having electrical problem at 1:58 At the end of the stage, I remember trying to tell Lance and Eric where you were and...
  2. C

    ExPo Member Entry - 2012 NORRA 1000 Rally

    Thank you! I remember that photo and will eventually track down the magazine. This photo drove my dad nuts because they said the car was Chevy powered. It was a stock toyota f engine. Because, of all the "stock" Broncos he changed his gas cap and put his car in the non-production 4wd class...
  3. C

    ExPo Member Entry - 2012 NORRA 1000 Rally

    Actually, magazine dates would be great. A couple years back, in the Harris fire, we lost an out building with all the old magazines, and super 8. I've been trying to track them down but my collection is pretty uneven. So any information would be appreciated. You Bronco looks like it has a...
  4. C

    ExPo Member Entry - 2012 NORRA 1000 Rally

    Todd Great update and really good to meet you. A great part about the race is that you can be in the middle of no where but there's always someone there to help. Lance, that's a good idea I do need to get Rhonda's perspective. I dug through my folk's photos and thought you'd enjoy these. I...
  5. C

    ExPo Member Entry - 2012 NORRA 1000 Rally

    Thanks for the kind words Great thread Lance, Good to meet you, Adrew, Eric and the rest of your team. The Mexican 1000 was a blast. We crossed the finish line but technically DNFed. Hung out in San Jose del Cabo for a day and turned around and drove the land cruiser back home. what a...