Search results

  1. AAXD

    New bike: my first airhead, classic R80 G/S

    I just picked up this 85 G/S on ebay. I'm not really sure what I want to do with it yet, I sure like having a fairing on my GSPD but I think the open air feeling would be fun in the warmer months. Airhead GS' are the best.
  2. AAXD

    Pictures of Expedition Motorcycles

    I finally was united with my R100GS Paris Dakar about a month ago. I've done about 7000 miles on it since then. It is in pretty good shape for a 20 year old machine with 67k miles on the clock. I've got several hundred in parts coming in the mail to make it like new. I'm kicking around the idea...
  3. AAXD

    Rusty Rovers

    I'm on my 3rd Land Rover coiler in 9 years now. I sold my 93 Rangie after 4 years but it didn't have much rust then, currently a friend has it and he just has some bubbling paint in the tailgate, but is otherwise perfect. I currently have a 97 Discovery XD and I'm so disgusted with rust that I...
  4. AAXD

    Tell me about Subaru reliability

    Looks like I'm not the only one looking at getting into the Suby world. I've pretty much decided my 97 Discovery XD is going to go on to a better place soon as keeping it alive is starting to affect my mental health. I have been seeing a lot of Foresters around lately and I even found one for...
  5. AAXD

    Pictures of Expedition Motorcycles

    I decided my F650 wasn't enough bike for me (based on absolutely nothing since it is an amazing long distance machine) and true to form, decided I needed something else. I settled on a BMW airhead of some sort, I originally panned to find some kind of bastardized /6 or older that I could pick up...
  6. AAXD

    Defender 110 1979/2002 EBAY LEGAL???

    I looked that truck over about a year and a half ago. Then it had no engine or front end, and still had plastic on the seats. Appeared to be 0 mileage, though the odometer was digital so I couldn't see. The owner told me he planned to build it up as a demo truck for his business and just drive...
  7. AAXD

    Pictures of Expedition Motorcycles

    Here's my 98 Funduro. I haven't had a chance to ride it except up and down the road once. It is so freakin icy and snowy here that I drop it every time I try getting it out of the driveway. Every day I wake up and the temp is above freezing is a good day. The Ruckus counts as an expedition...
  8. AAXD

    LONG WAY ROUND DVD box set

    My set just came, now I have a copy of Long Way Round to loan to friends. I finished LWD in 2 days, about to start Race to Dakar but I kinda want to save it. My new BMW still hasn't arrived, so I gotta get my fill somehow.
  9. AAXD

    Pelican General Mechanics Tool Kit

    Has this been released for general sale? I'm not finding it on Pelicans website. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I could find it.
  10. AAXD

    LONG WAY ROUND DVD box set

    Hmm, might want to see a doctor about that. :elkgrin: Seriously though I watched 'Round twice then went out and bought a BMW. I had wanted one for a while, seeing them in action sealed the deal for me.
  11. AAXD

    Help a bike Noob find a dual sport

    I am a member on just about every LR forum there is. I don't post in many of them just because I'd be spending all my time posting instead of actually using my trucks. Here are some teaser pics of my new bike. I haven't seen it in person yet, but it looks and sounds pretty well done from the...
  12. AAXD

    Help a bike Noob find a dual sport

    Well I ended up finding a bike. I talked to my buddy who has a 98 F650ST and decided it was the bike for me. I found one on ebay which didn't make the reserve, I made an offer and the shippers are picking it up next week. It is all built up for adventure riding, fully kitted out and very well...
  13. AAXD

    Help a bike Noob find a dual sport

    I've been lusting for a dual sport for some time now. My ride for the past 2 years has been an 07 Ruckus that is basically stock, except for a set of studded tires for winter. A little background about myself, I'm 25 and 5'7" and live in Alaska, and I'm a Land Rover nerd (I have a Disco and 2...
  14. AAXD

    "Late" Series III Axles and Lockers

    I don't mean to hijack the thread, but while we're on the subject of ARB's, does anyone have a complete list of what parts and tools are needed to put one in a Salisbury rear? I was looking into doing the conversion that everyone is talking about, as it seems best for an all around expedition...
  15. AAXD

    Post pictures of your Land Rover.

    Here's my 83 Stage 1. I've got big plans in store for her. Here's my first rover, 93 LWB Here's my 97 Disco XD. Here's my dads NAS 110, before and after. Rovers spread like a dissease in my family, these are just the ones I have pics of.