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  1. M

    ITR Diesel Fired Hydronic Heaters

    Thanks for the reply, my unit has a 26 foot cabin with double pained triple glazed windows. Have you had any problems inhigh altitude ? I once read about folks having problems in Altitude, thus my question. Again, thank you for the response Mark
  2. M

    ITR Diesel Fired Hydronic Heaters

    I have a large motorhome built on a Freightliner truck Chasis. I had a Fabco front drive axle installed, so it is now a 6x6. I am planning to install a ITR Diesel fired Hydronic system in addition to the stock propane fired heater and furnace, which will become back up. I plan to use the ITR for...
  3. M

    I am looking at installing an ITR deasel fired hyrronic system on my RV for heat and water heat...

    I am looking at installing an ITR deasel fired hyrronic system on my RV for heat and water heat, as well as keeping the storage bays and water pipes from freezing. I have read different comments that were critical of Deasel Hydronic systems, does anyone have experience with the ITR system ? I...
  4. M

    Camper questions

    I am planning to replace my Propane furnace and waterheater with a deasel fired system. I have read of problems in cold and high altitude situations ? Can someone provide me the manufacturers they had problems with ? How cold of temperatures, and how high of altitudes has anyone had...