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  1. C

    Interior / Dash Mounts for Hardware

    @Shawn686 , that does help. I appreciate the feedback. I ended up buying a collection of parts and sizes from several manufacturers to try out.
  2. C

    Interior / Dash Mounts for Hardware

    I'm planning to attach the ball mounts to a track of sorts. I'm likely to use 3030 T-Slot, but am considering canoe tracks and l-track as options. I've thought about making a roof rack with unistrut, but I prefer the idea of various slot extrusions for interior work.
  3. C

    Interior / Dash Mounts for Hardware

    I just wanted to clarify your experience. Were you saying the Bulletpoint 20mm balls and arms are more secure than the RAM 1" balls and arms, or that the Bulletpoint 1" balls and arms are more secure than the RAM ones?
  4. C

    Interior / Dash Mounts for Hardware

    [Although this question applies, I'm not sure this is the best subforum for the topic. Please move if preferred.] I'm looking at various mounting solutions for a variety of hardware including 2-way radios, microphones, cell phones, auxiliary displays, etc. It seems to me that the...