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  1. Chipskip

    Trasharoo w/ExPo Logo Group Buy - Memorial Day Delivery

    Can you giving me shipping cost for 8 to a residence in 85051
  2. Chipskip

    APRS on a Yaseu 8800-R

    I also have an 8800r and have found it is not a good choice for APRS. I considered selling it and getting the new Kenwood 710g. Instead I got a Kenwood th-d72a and avmap gps. It was pricey to go that route, but I wanted an HT with APRS built in for hiking, etc. The Avmap and Kenwood are plug...
  3. Chipskip

    HAM Operators- Post up here

    Forum Name: chipskip First Name: Michael Callsign :N7MCS Radio : Kenwood TH-D72a & Yeasu FT-8800r Freq usually on: 2m/70cm Location: Phoenix, AZ