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  1. F

    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Update… It’s been nine years since I finish the trailer. after completing it, I rarely used it As I started a family with small kids. I sold it to a guy I know, I told him if he ever was to sell it to give me first rights. Well, he called me up the other day so I purchased it back. I had not...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Yeah, I didnt realize my jeep had dodge rims till I started looking for trailer rims. hmmm... I like the dodge rims... smoother looking. But since Im a fan of irony, I will only put jeep rims on the trailer ;) Salvage yards are OK. Things rust like crazy here because of the humidity
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    So I finally tracked down some vintage jeep rims for the trailer. They will be a close match to my jeep. Im having them shipped from Michigan and then will begin work on them. Here they are... Whats all that white stuff on the ground??
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Thanks mgeiger. A few more pics. Got the lights working, They are all the same and redundant in case one or 2 go out. Plus, safer... more big red glowing things to keep me from being rear ended! Inside of lights wiring. I painted the inside of all the cabinets a gloss white, so I can see...
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    Utility Body Trailer - Post Build Tour

    Loren... Im so happy to finally see your trailer! I believe my service bed is the exact same as yours. So when I see your modifications, I can picture them on mine. Things I would not have thought of, like the pull out table in that rear space above the bumper. Great work on it... Im sure you...
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    Battery Suggestion and advice needed for my usage

    OK, thanks Martyn, aside from running a blender. Which I can always hook up to my jeep battery and run the jeep. Would a motorcycle battery or larger lawn mower battery work? (or scooter battery) My jeep is a 4 cylinder and I am trying to keep weight down where I can. But if I dont have room to...
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    Battery Suggestion and advice needed for my usage

    Hey guys, I have a small offroad trailer that I will be using for camping. Nothing long term. A day or two trips. Maybe a week every now and then. Researching batteries, I know I need a deep cycle. But im not sure how many AH Amperage Hours it needs to be. Do I need a full size car battery, or...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Thanks Reefish. 5 Wiring tips*: 1. use a thicker guage wire than the autoszone special 2. For all connectors, buy the connectors that you can heat shrink to the wire. Built in heat shrink. Waterproof and high quality. 3. Always wrap wires and heatshrink. Dont use the things that you snap...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Thanks Loren, I stuck all the rubber tonight and I will see how it holds. That Fiberglass box link is Bad ******** I wish I started with something like that!
  10. F

    Yeah, I would even love to see more pics of your trailer! I wont be at ExPo, unless it is close...

    Yeah, I would even love to see more pics of your trailer! I wont be at ExPo, unless it is close to me? Orlando'?
  11. F

    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Quick question/opinion needed: Was wondering if I could get some help. I am putting the neoprene seals on the doors... where should I stick them? On the side, as pictured, or the front (adjacent beside it 90 degrees)? I cleaned the sills so well that I have no trace as to what they were...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    I'm hopeful and anxious. And a bit nervous that some guy is going to die of a black widow bite. So, I got done with all the wiring this weekend, and decided I needed to get some new rubber. The tire on it now are 30 years old and have no sidewall support. I cleaned off the cobwebs and brought...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    OK, so I did a little wiring today and figured I'd snap a few shots of the underside and frame. Its a pretty simple setup as you can see. KISS The new bumper is a stainless steel jeep bumper I got cheap $10 at a truck show. The hitch is for my bike rack. The beer is a Summer lager with...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Tie downs are a great idea. I will research some options. Any particular ones you would suggest?
  15. F

    Service Bed Trailer Build

    These square tubes serve the purpose of pulling out the dented fiberglass. (When bolted on it pulls out the fiberglass making it straight) Plus the will be used for carrying things like ax or surf fishing tubes. Layed diamond plate in the main storage because the fiberglass was old and...
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    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Thanks guys. Lot of questions about the new frame... you want Trailer Porn underside shots? If so I can take some. Yeah, that bumper was a heavy. The entire frame was heavy! It was literally the frame of the S-10 it came off of. Cut off behind the cab and welded Frankenstein style. Waterboy, I...
  17. F

    Service Bed Trailer Build

    Hello, my name is Andy... Long time reader, first time poster. I found this old trailer on the side of Old 441 in Florida. It was exactly what I was looking for (*and at $200!). It is a fiberglass body, mini service bed (s-10 type bed). I had been researching off road trailers for a while, and...