You or the guy running the old Blazer Chalet should have all the VIN's for all the 15+ Chalets my friends TAC, Bubba and I have owned. I know of 1 ... will see if it's possible for the owner to get the VIN number...
Regarding the VINs, maybe, but not exactly. I am the caretaker of the old blazer website (Aaron S was the creator, Doug W was the co-creator who is figeratively the "owner" as far as I'm concerned), but if Aaron had whatever registry you are referring to beyond what's found in
archive pages of his old Slosh site, it is now lost to the sands of time. Unless he can dredge it up somewhere. So, to the best of my knowledge, my mega-spreadsheet on these is the only list I am aware of where the camper serial numbers & truck VINs are cross referenced. At the moment, if I do have your rig's numbers on my list, I don't have it tagged with your "vintageracer" user name. Forgive me if I spaced that out somewhere. Regarding Tac, the problem there is that he never supplied me at all with a list of which rigs he had (I have no idea why he was seemingly reluctant to put one together), I was only able to ID ones I knew from before (including my own former #1747) or do educated guesses on most, but not all, of the rest. Still waiting on a list his business partner was going to put together for me. Who's "Bubba", though?
Mucho appreciated on whatever the other one is that you know about.