1984 bj70

i will apologize first, i sort of hate this question. However, i little to no knowledge of these old cruisers.
I found a 1984 bj70 that is in very good shape. It is down the road from me and the lady needs to sell. I havent seen one, except in searching this forum. Old cars and diesels, i know, cruisers i do not. I have been wanting to build a rig, and this looks like a good start.
The cruiser is an '84, has 130k on it, diesel, 5 speed and right hand drive. Are these pretty rare here in the states? She legally imported it several years ago. It is solid and runs like a champ, i cant find anything on it that doesnt work.
Fair price? Things to look for?

apologies again, not looking for answers like, Its worth what you will pay, or what she will take. Just fair market prices.


El Gringo Spectacular!
It's likely a JDM (Japanes Domestic Market) import if it's RHD. IIRC only 1985 model years (approx. 250 units 12 volt) and 1986 (approx. 300 units, 24 volt) were imported by Toyota into Canada as North American Spec. models.

I'm not sure about the DOT specs for importing a JDM BJ70, but the 1985 BJ70 was on the listing for importation eligibility prior to the 25 year rule...it's how mine came in. Importation required a registered importer do the paperwork and place the appropriate "modifications" on the truck (which included dash and vin stickers).

They are around in the US both legally and grey market, but compared to others (40s, 60s, 80s, etc.) they're pretty rare.

Fair price? I haven't really seen one in good shape go for under $10-$12K, maybe more if it's in great condition....

The 3B motor is rock solid, as is the rest of the drivetrain.




It depends on rust as well as where she imported it from. 130k kms in OZ could be very tough on a rig.

RHD detracts soem value. Assuming it's rust free and in good shape, I'd say 8-10K in this economy. A few years ago, they were going for more. There is a local one here in Texas for 2800 obo, but is a rust bucket. Could be used for a swap though.


It's likely a JDM (Japanes Domestic Market) import if it's RHD. IIRC only 1985 model years (approx. 250 units 12 volt) and 1986 (approx. 300 units, 24 volt) were imported by Toyota into Canada as North American Spec. models.


We got them in 87 as well, though not many of them.
The numbers I recall are:

388 in 1985 12v
137 in 1986 24v
139 in 1987 24v

130,000 km on a 3B is VERY low miles - even if it's an Oz cruiser. If it isn't a rust bucket it could be a great project. RHD is a non issue IMHO.
Got any pics?


SE Expedtion Society
Why would you want such an old truck ? send me her number and I will come up with a good price ... :sombrero:

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