Hey guys/gals, there's a local camper van for sale with the cabin over the roof. "95k miles, has clean title, all working parts & tires + spare but not working now. Was fine when parked in 2008, after maintenance done, but may need some general maintenance to get running again, primarily carburetor work, fuel lines, battery."
What am I getting myself into here? The owner says I can do the work on their property to get the van running again rather than have to tow it off. I'm not super handy but I can do some regular repairs on my vehicles. How much work is this? How much money? Specifically talking about getting the van up and running. I'm not worried about fixing up the inside, that part shouldn't be too hard.
I already know I'll have to get new tires since they're so old, and a new battery, so there's around $500~. How much more am I gonna have to sink into it, anyone have a guess?
What am I getting myself into here? The owner says I can do the work on their property to get the van running again rather than have to tow it off. I'm not super handy but I can do some regular repairs on my vehicles. How much work is this? How much money? Specifically talking about getting the van up and running. I'm not worried about fixing up the inside, that part shouldn't be too hard.
I already know I'll have to get new tires since they're so old, and a new battery, so there's around $500~. How much more am I gonna have to sink into it, anyone have a guess?