We're in a bit of a colder spell here, 9f today, down to -4 tonight and a good wind with it. 110 started ok, warmed up for ten minutes or so, the new Espar Airtronic D2 fired up without a hitch as usual. 5 miles down the road it starts to bog down a bit then pick back up, more gas pedal, more bog etc, this continues but not as terribly as on the way back. Arrive at my destination, parked for 5 hours or so, go to head out, starts up fine but now it has no power, smokey and won't do more than about 8 mph but it gets me home in 1st or 2nd gear, bogging and stuttering the whole way and struggling more on the hills. Heater won't fire up either after repeated attempts, though it's trying, fuel pump clicking away, just won't ignite (fuel line T for heater is before separator). I haven't pulled any filters yet but did add some PS Diesel supplement+ Cetane boost, sloshed it around and let the truck run for a bit to get some to the filters. Sound like a gelling issue or ice in the line somewhere? Would have assumed a winter blend at the pump, who knows. I've never checked the water separator...
Thanks for any input
Thanks for any input