2000 Montero, replaced trans fluid - hard shifts - wrong ATF fluid?


I had my auto trans fluid replaced a few weeks ago (it was brown) and whereas the car shifted alright and smoothly before, after the fluid flush/replacement, the shifts seem a lot more harsh/pronounced, especially in the low gears (1-2, 2-3 maybe) and going into reverse. Happens even if the car is warmed up. The shop 'cleaned and conditioned' it and filled it back up with Versatrans (link below) which is a synthetic blend. I've searched around here and have read that Dexron 2 (or Dex 2 compatible) or Mitsu SP-III fluid is recommended - can anyone confirm?

The only thing I can note is that I put a new battery in it the same week, after the trans was serviced - is the ECU in a 2000 one of those 'learning' ones that shifts according to your driving style? I don't think so because it should have learned my style by now.

I'm going to take it back to the shop and have them redo it if this Versatrans stuff is the wrong stuff. I hope no bad damage has occurred, I've had to drive a bit and put about 500-700 miles on it since then.



I cant answer your fluid question but what you're describing is typical of any AT that gets new fluid after its old fluid was left in for too long.

Was your old fluid changed at the proper service interval or was it late?

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Take a look in your owner's manual for the recommended ATF. My 98 manual states to use Dexron 2, but other Monteros call for Mitsu SP-III. I've never heard of the Versatrans stuff, but just reading the following excerpt from the link would make me think twice if yours called for Dexron. Maybe compatible with earlier pre Dexron VI?

"GM automatic transmissions in 2005 and earlier vehicles,
except those that require DEXRON® -VI for warranty coverage,
or a CVT fluid"
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I'm going to have them replace it with some Dex III (as Dex II isn't around anymore). The manual states Dex II for ATF, so my feeling is to use the stuff that's closest spec to what the trans requires is the best route.

On the other hand, the old fluid might have been really dirty, and this is how it's reacting to actually being properly serviced.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
These transmissions are very picky about what fluid they use, just pay the money and run the Diamond SP, it's not rebranded it is actually made by Mitsubishi and will never let you down. I had a shop (who was into 3000GTs) talk me into a friction modified Dex of some sort which made it shift really hard. Never failed and PA_JERO is running that rig now but it still shifts all aggressive.


^ Any experience with Dex III ? Owners manual and FSM both say Dex II, I called the parts guy at the Mitsu dealer and he said either SP 3 or Dex III. Gonna get Dex III put in tomorrow, will report back.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
No, I just always use the OEM stuff because i don't think it's worth the risk. I have however used Enos ATF in a truck i wasn't sure on it's condition (i was told the trans was toast but had come back after an oil change), it worked as advertised and never caused an issue and it's still on the road today some 5 years later.


I once pinched my kickdown cable and it was stuck in a way that it thought I was at full throttle all the time, it shifted like getting a kick in the ********. Ended up disconnecting it because the housing had broken, and I have a TPS so it shifts down when I mash the accelerator.

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Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
I had my auto trans fluid replaced a few weeks ago (it was brown) and whereas the car shifted alright and smoothly before, after the fluid flush/replacement, the shifts seem a lot more harsh/pronounced, especially in the low gears (1-2, 2-3 maybe) and going into reverse. Happens even if the car is warmed up. The shop 'cleaned and conditioned' it and filled it back up with Versatrans (link below) which is a synthetic blend. I've searched around here and have read that Dexron 2 (or Dex 2 compatible) or Mitsu SP-III fluid is recommended - can anyone confirm?

The only thing I can note is that I put a new battery in it the same week, after the trans was serviced - is the ECU in a 2000 one of those 'learning' ones that shifts according to your driving style? I don't think so because it should have learned my style by now.

I'm going to take it back to the shop and have them redo it if this Versatrans stuff is the wrong stuff. I hope no bad damage has occurred, I've had to drive a bit and put about 500-700 miles on it since then.


I would only ever recommend Mitsubishi Motors ATF SP-III.
There are many a story of folks using other "compatible" fluids, most report problems.
(If/when you flush your transmission, be sure to do a complete flush, not just a drain and fill. Has the filter ever been changed?)

After disconnecting your battery, the ECU does have to relearn your driving style (at least in the NM).
This can result in odd shifting behavior, however, it should settle down.


Follow up: had the Versatrans cleaned out and replaced with Dexron III. After a day or two of driving, it's shifting about 80% smoother now.


You must use sp-iii

I used Eneos type-sp ordered from Amazon. But Hyundai or Mitsubishi OEM fluid is fine.

NO other fluid will work. You will immediately feel a difference. Dex3 is not correct regardless of what you read or where you find it. I went through this with my 98.

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Well, ******. The friggin' manuals say Dexron II, which we all know has been replaced by Dexron III. I'm not looking to do this a 3rd f-ing time.

Why would Mitsubishi print the wrong information in several places? All I get from here, google, mechanics and the Mitsu parts guys is conflicting information. What exactly did you go through with your 98?


Rough shifting. Like bad. It had valvaline max life which is highly rated. Previous owner did that. I swapped for Castrol regular dex3, not much better then searched a lot on the Aussie forums and found that the SP3 is not really the same as Dex3. Flushed it out really really good and immediately it shifted like butter. And this was at 200k miles.
I confirmed all this on the bobistheoilguy forum too.

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Well, I am not experiencing bad, rough shifting after putting in Dexron. I can feel the lower gear shifts a little more distinctly is all. So I don't know what to do now.

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