2003 montero flashing center diff code 35


New member
I could use some help. I have code 35 for the transfer case. I replaced the solenoids under the air cleaner (it was broken) and I replaced the diff lock sensor switch on the axle. I still have the center diff light flash after 10 miles. The 4x4 works just fine until the light flashes.

I did not use a factory solenoids under the air cleaner. It was a cheapo from Amazon.

What else can I do to get this resolved.


Well-known member
Was the factory solenoid bad? Are the hoses in the correct place?
I would wager the cheapo is bad. A new OEM one is around $60

When the solenoid fails the truck tries to default to AWD which is the fail safe.


New member
The factory one had broken vacuum hose attachments. I think I have it plumbed up correctly. And the 4x4 works. Well it works until the light starts to flash. I will look up the vacuum diagram and check the plumbing.


Well-known member
The factory one had broken vacuum hose attachments. I think I have it plumbed up correctly. And the 4x4 works. Well it works until the light starts to flash. I will look up the vacuum diagram and check the plumbing.
if the solenoid is not working, the truck will default to AWD and try to engage AWD from 2wd. Your 4wd/AWD will always work. The solenoid keeps your truck in 2WD.
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Hopefully Sunday I will check vacuum plumbing and the actuator on the front axle to make sure everything is working. I also have to change an O2 sensor. The o2 sensor is killing my mpg's.


New member
I checked to see if the 4x4 actuator moved on the front axle and it does not. Then I checked the vacuum hoses and I am not getting vacuum to the solenoid. None of the vacuums hoses had any vacuum.

Where does the vacuum come from off the intake so I can trace the problem and see why it's not working.


New member
Well I figured out where the vacuum comes from. I traced the line and removed it and reconnected it. Now I am getting vacuum to the solenoid. But the new aftermarket solenoids are not moving the vacuum to the freewheel vacuum tank. I will bypass the soleniod to see if the actuator works to pull the rod to disconnect the 4x4.
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New member
I found that the cheapo solenoid randomly works. I bought some vehicle vacuum connectors and bypassed the soleniod to see if the transfer case light did not flash on me on my way to work. So far no flashing center diff light. Will see how it works on the way home. Hopefully we found the issue, other than needing to replace some old vacuum hoses.

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