23 days from London to Tajikistan 7796 miles on a charity rally

Last year i participated in the Roof of The World charity rally, its been running since 2008, it's a small rally with big ambitions, and in the name of fun and the celebration of passing my driivng test i decided to embark on the rally in 2009.
I put together a small team from random posts on the internet and didnt meet my fellow team mates until afew days before leaving! we also bought a totall unprepared and not very approriate car...a ford mondeo ghia estate...

With a lot of miles ahead we left on the 3rd july from london and embarked on one of the craziest trips ever, we broke down many times firstly our battery conked out so we had to push start the car for three days...our suspension collapsed mutliple times resulting in the use of wooden blocks and ratchet straps acting as vital suspension components! and then when it totally broke we ended up driving backwards through the desert for over 6 hours until we found a welder who helped to fix our car...

After geting lost, accidentally driving through a border check point and getting chased then getting stuck in a river over night with water flooding into our car and being stuck for seven hours until a jeep pulled us out... then our suspension collapsed again so we drove backwards for many hours until we found another welder we eventually arrived ahead of all the other teams safe and sound at the finish line

It was a great adventure and we have some great stories on our blog site so if u want to read more about our exploits check it out

and if you want to take part in a worth while charity rally why not visit http://roofoftheworld.charityrallies.org
happy driving

P.S im taking part in the rally again this year and im looking for sum team mates check out my team website www.tajikivan.co.uk


Wow! What and adventure! It's always amazing to me that people in some places give and provide for visitors when they have almost nothing themselves.

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