24 Hours in the Enchanted Forest


Glamping Society
I told some folks I'd post up an interest thread for this race. The 24HOP has me inspired to get more mountain biking in this year and the course for this race looks fantastic...100% singletrack so they say. Its also not too far of a drive and a good excuse to get out of the heat in Phoenix.


Start time is June 18th @ noon, location is a bit southeast of Gallup, NM. Registration is already open. I'd like to get a team together.

Who's in? :bike_rider:
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thanks for the post

I would love to ride this but I will be in getting ready to goto Nepal, Are there any others in this area in August... I am moving to El paso at this time and will be looking for so hyper endurence races. Thanks


Glamping Society
I have no idea about other races in that area. I'd heard about it last year then got the flyer at OP as a reminder.

Oh there is one they were promoting at OP that's in Texas..24 Hours in the Canyon or something? Looked like a beautiful area.


This is a possibility. Some serious training on my part as I have not been on my bike in a loooong time.


You know I want to! It's only about 2 hours from my cabin. I think I've ridden that trail, or one within 5 miles of there. Beautiful Ponderosa pines and Aspens and a fair amount of climbing.



I was able to do one last race before I left. It was the High Cascade 100 in Bend OR. That was an incredible race with superb support. almost 15,000ft of vertical profile....40% of the field DNF. Epic ride!
I am looking to riding the new mex, AZ, and Utah trails...I hope to ride with some of yall after I move.:victory:


Glamping Society
Tim, I'll hold you to that, but remember this will be just for fun!

Jim, if timing works out for you let me know and we will get you on the list!

Sounds like Travis is in for another sufferfest, that silly boy. :elkgrin:


Supporting Sponsor
I rode the 24HITEF last year. Super fun. Great course. Varied enough with not too much technical stuff, so when the going gets long in the wee hours, if you do come off, it's not too bad. The support is awesome, the vibe is great and it's well organized. I hope to go this year again, though I've been off the bike for so long due to toddler and work demands.
The track is pretty hardpack most of the way. One section is a fast downhill with awesome whoopde doos; go fast and you'll take air, but the landings are often in a bend! 29er is perfect for this race. I'd do it on a hardtail if I was in better shape, but I need the duallie.
The only 24hr race in NM and I'd recommend doing it!


It's all fun.................You had fun at the 24HITOP............right:Wow1:

Haha. You may not believe me, but I actually did have fun. My ride wasn't that bad. The flats were the only real pain. Which that's a testament to the wheels Jim built. I rode a good amount of the lap on low/flat tires and the technical decent to the finish.


Glamping Society
Sounds like we have 3 riders in for sure (including me) and one maybe. I'd certainly be open to more for a 5 person team or a corporate team up to 10!

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