A bit over year or so ago, I bought a rusty but somewhat nice looking 1986 Syncro Vanagon to use as the base of my Vandwelling life style. Perviously I had used a Class B camper van and then a very minimalist Tacoma set up eventually narrowing in on the Vanagon Syncro.
The van looked very nice in the pictures but up close I knew it had rust and needed a lot of work. The plan was to get it running decent and rebuild the front end and go through all the basics for the time being. Well one thing leading to another I decided to do an engine swap for a modern engine (we will get to that later)..
While waiting on parts for this engine swap and having the stock WBX engine sitting there, I randomly looked on Craigslist for a cheap Vanagon which needed a motor. As luck would have it, I scored an 84 Westy for a song and a dance with lots of new parts but a dead 1.9 wbx..
2 weeks later I was driving it with my Syncro's 2.1 wbxer.. the intention was to sell it, profit and continue working on the Syncro.
After looking over the Westy and driving it a few days, I opted to put the Syncro on hold, jazz up the Westy and hit the road.. I added a full solar system, 12v fridge, 16 inch wheel tires and gave it a small home brew lift..
I drove it all over the Southern US finally staying in Denver for most of the summer and about 8 months later with winter fast approaching I sold the Westy and picked up a beater 86 2wd Vanagon to drive back to FL where my Syncro was stashed away..
The 2wd needed tires and I happened to score a set 16" Oz rims with some snow tires which was a good thing because my last month in Denver was during the first Arctic Blast of this year.. I finally drove back to FL in the newly acquired 86 2wd with the intentions of getting to work on the Syncro.
After getting back to FL and doing a once over on my Syncro, it started to become apparent that the rust was much worse than I wanted it to be. I had much debate on do I fix it or use it as a donor van to convert the much better 2wd van to 4wd. I had a lot of mixed thoughts for several days..However..
The pictures...
Speak for themselves..
Anything is of course repairable, but the time involved as well as the money was not something I was going to spend when I have a 2nd van with a nice solid body sitting in the driveway..

The van looked very nice in the pictures but up close I knew it had rust and needed a lot of work. The plan was to get it running decent and rebuild the front end and go through all the basics for the time being. Well one thing leading to another I decided to do an engine swap for a modern engine (we will get to that later)..
While waiting on parts for this engine swap and having the stock WBX engine sitting there, I randomly looked on Craigslist for a cheap Vanagon which needed a motor. As luck would have it, I scored an 84 Westy for a song and a dance with lots of new parts but a dead 1.9 wbx..
2 weeks later I was driving it with my Syncro's 2.1 wbxer.. the intention was to sell it, profit and continue working on the Syncro.

After looking over the Westy and driving it a few days, I opted to put the Syncro on hold, jazz up the Westy and hit the road.. I added a full solar system, 12v fridge, 16 inch wheel tires and gave it a small home brew lift..

I drove it all over the Southern US finally staying in Denver for most of the summer and about 8 months later with winter fast approaching I sold the Westy and picked up a beater 86 2wd Vanagon to drive back to FL where my Syncro was stashed away..

The 2wd needed tires and I happened to score a set 16" Oz rims with some snow tires which was a good thing because my last month in Denver was during the first Arctic Blast of this year.. I finally drove back to FL in the newly acquired 86 2wd with the intentions of getting to work on the Syncro.
After getting back to FL and doing a once over on my Syncro, it started to become apparent that the rust was much worse than I wanted it to be. I had much debate on do I fix it or use it as a donor van to convert the much better 2wd van to 4wd. I had a lot of mixed thoughts for several days..However..

The pictures...


Speak for themselves..
Anything is of course repairable, but the time involved as well as the money was not something I was going to spend when I have a 2nd van with a nice solid body sitting in the driveway..
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