3B FJ60 towing weight


Hey Guys,

I have a 3B motor transplanted into an FJ60 that I recently turbo-ed.
For those of you with the 3B motor in either this body style or others, what kind of towing weight can these engines pull comfortably and still beable to actually get themselves down the road? ;)

Reason I ask, is im thinking of doing a trailer build, but worried that once I get through it will struggle towing the thing!!

Here is a picture of my rig :smiley_drive:



Heretic Car Camper
Pulling isn't the limiting factor. Brakes are. What will it stop in a panic stop?


OK so assuming I had an independant braking system on the trailer, and/or I had amazing brakes (!!), what kinda weight could it pull?

cruiser guy

A '60 series is not rated for very much towing weight.

I have towed a flat bed trailer with a '55 carcass on it from California to B.C. with my BJ60. I would not recommend towing that much weight. There were a few times it didn't feel good at all and the trailer had surge brakes.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
The biggest issue is the brakes. I flat towed a FJ40 with my HJ60 (which is a noticeable power increase over a BJ60 even with the slightly improved power specs) and it was doable only with stock tires.. Turbo is a must but you have that. One trick that is borderline mandatory for a turbo'd 3B is the biggest exhaust you can find (3") and also pulling the head, taking a cheap Autozone "polishing kit" for engine intakes and polishing the crap out of the precups. Stick it right in there. All of a sudden the engine really breathes well and you can turn up the fuel to your hearts desire and you'll at least have the power. Otherwise you run up against EGTs. I learned this from Peter Straub and the Calary Canadians pushing 38" tires with their 3Bs with no problems at all.. Hope it helps...


Expedition Leader
Your 3B has 8 more ft lbs of tq at 2200 rpm (159 ft lbs. tq), than my H diesel had at 2200 rpm's. Your 3B also has 90 H.P. @ 3500 RPM, while my H had 90 H.P. @ 3600 rpm's. I towed my Kimberly Kamper to northern Washoe County this summer behind my 1980 HJ45. The total trip distance was approximately 110 miles (One way). The terrain was mostly flat, gravel roads. Of course, your numbers are different due to your turbo...

The HJ towed awesome... If your idea of awesome is struggling to maintain 45 mph. It was no big deal on this trip as it was mostly on a deserted dirt road and I didn't pass a single vehicle either way. Getting to the dirt road was sketchy. It was the first and last time I towed with it.



Expedition Leader
Is that a z50 i see hiding behind the seats?:victory:


Good spot, yes it is. My mom bought it for my dad as a first anniversary gift in 1969. I told him it was stolen out of my garage (I thought he was going to beat me) and did a full restoration on it. I then gave it to him for a birthday gift. It made him tear up a little, it was cool. As a bonus, I steal it once in a while. I think there's a thread on it titled ExPo moto or something.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Your 60 will pull the trailer OK of you are not in a hurry.

get electric trailer brakes and a brake control - learn how to dial it in and use it, and you should have no problems.

Keep the trailer light - under 1K loaded.


Thanks for all the advice guys.

Well my thinking was to build upon an M101 or M416. How much does one of these things weigh empty? Find it hard to believe that one of those trailers with a RTT, lid, jerry can holders, etc etc will come in at 1K or under!

Dieselcruiserhead --- ive heard about the polishing of the pre cups before, how complex a job is this?


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
It is a reasonably big job as in about 4-6 hours I figure... You probably also want to take the head to the machine shop to see if anything is up with head which usually takes a couple days at the machine shop...

Hope it helps,


Thanks Andre.
Do you know of a write up online about doing this?
Ive tried Google with little success.
Would like to see pictures and write up of the process as well as the end results.


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