4 Low


New member
Hi all,

Been a lurker on here for awhile. Just picked up a 2001 Montero Ltd. So far I love the thing. Great comfort and does pretty well offroad. Only problem is getting it into 4 Low. It goes into Hi immediately with no problems. When I try to put it in Low I can hear the actuator but the lights just keep blinking. Any thoughts on why it wont go into low. Bought it as a family wheeling vehicle and would like 4 Low to work. Until its fixed I guess we will pack into the tacoma or the 40. The monty is just so much more comfortable.
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New member
Hi all,

Been a lurker on here for awhile. Just picked up a 2001 Montero Ltd. So far I love the thing. Great comfort and does pretty well offroad. Only problem is getting it into 4 Low. It goes into Hi immediately with no problems. When I try to put it in Low I can hear the actuator but the lights just keep blinking. Any thoughts on why it wont go into low. Bought it as a family wheeling vehicle and would like 4 Low to work. Until its fixed I guess we will pack into the tacoma or the 40. The monty is just so much more comfortable.

Which gear are you on while you are trying to put it into 4 Low? You can shift between 2Hi and 4Hi while the car is in "Drive" and under 60mph. But to switch into 4Low you need to be stationary and the transmission needs to be in "Neutral"...Give that a try and see if if works!


New member
I am having the same thing happening to me, with a week old Delica from 1995, with a AT, and manual hubs? Anyone have an idea? Been wheeling since 69, so I know how it is normanialy done, but it just does not want to stay engauged.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Well the t-case shifts directly in the case itself so if you push the lever foward left then foward and the truck moves you'll be in low. If it's just the lights blinking making you think there's a problem you likely have a truck that has never been used before and it will take a few times wheeling before the lights work correctly. Some models have to be pushed down while shifting into low, this is to keep from accidently shifting it while moving. The only other thing that you could be having a problem is the ball bushing in the shifter assembly is broken, but even then it will go into low it's just trickey. If the bushing is bad you'll be able to move the shifter all over the place and it's really obvious.


New member
So after a little time playing with things I have figured out it is going into low. However, the lights continue to blink and of course if i try to drive anywhere it beeps at me which is really annoying. Do I need to continue to shift in and out of low hoping the lights will work or is there a sensor that is not working correctly. Lights work fine in high, just blink in low.

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