The FJ60 posted here and on eBay has a 4speed with a "fluid return hose", pardon my ignorance, but what is a "fluid return hose". Well obviously it's a "fluid return hose", you know what I mean...
Do you have a problem where the transfercase oil level goes down and the transmission oil level goes up? This is caused by a failure of the seal between the transfercase and transmission, allowing the transfercase to pump its oil into the transmission. In extreme cases the transmission will overfill creating a mess when it starts to leak out of the shift tower and out of the input shaft seal soaking the clutch disc. The transfercase will then contain very little oil accelerating wear and possibly causing a great deal of internal damage. This kit allows the excess oil in the transmission to drain back into the transfercase. Kit includes fittings for both transmission and transfer fill ports and hose to connect them.
Would that help equilize the pressure in the two cases. They are vented I think.