4x4 Map of Legal Places


Hi and thanks for taking the time to look at this post.

My name is Eric Schwarz. I lurk here all the time. I'm normally looking for cool photos, adventures, and ideas to better my Hummer or camping gear. However, today I felt the urge to do something different. I wanted to share with the forum here this dream I have of off-road enthusiast visting my website trying to find the next 4x4 trail they want to run, or off-road park they have to visit. Which is why I've been working on a huge collection off-road trails, 4x4 parks, and fun places that an off-road enthusiast would want to go to.

In the past I had a map that listed hundred of places in the lower 48 states, but the map just couldn't do much of anything, and I had no way of improving the map. So over the past 5 years it kind of just sat there, doing nothing. I was left a little depressed because of how great the idea sounds in my head, but I did not have ability to implement it.

But about two month ago, something changed, I just felt the need to return to this project and rebuild it from the ground up and use all the knowledge I have gained over the years. I also wanted to implement all the things I dreamed about when I first envisioned it. For example: icons on the map that are color coded by the difficultly of the trail, featured images being pulled from the content, short excerpts about the trail when the icons are clicked, GPS tracks laid across the maps, elevation profiles. Stats on the average speed, maximum speed, the lowest elevation on the trail, and also the highest point. The time it took to run the trail, and more.

I have been able to do nearly everything wanted so far this time around and I really look forward to adding in the last of features I still need to code. Which brings me to this forum, because if I don't share this map with anyone, then it can never be enjoyed. Currently I've just started adding back all the trails I had on my old map, but it will take time because I'm doing a lot more than just recording the name, the Latitude, and Longitude. With all that said, I would like to ask for anyone and everyone to take a look at the map I have made, and let me know what you really think about it.

Thanks again for stopping to read this post.



Nice work. I have had this idea for a little while as well, but never did anything about it, good for you!and thanks for sharing!


I think the idea is great! May I suggest posting in the regional sections as you may get more detailed input with respect to local trails, etc as opposed to mostly offroad parks. I think the offroad parks are relatively easy to find with a simple google search given they are a series of businesses who advertise. The real gem in an idea like you have is being able to look at specific areas and have the ability to find cool off the beaten path trails where camping isn't always done at a designated spot. There are so many amazing trails out there that few will ever know about - being able to outline those would be truly incredible.


Expedition Leader
Good start. Check the descriptions for grammar and avoid terms like "destroyed". The little sluice was modified, whether it was destroyed depends on your point of view.


New member
Looks nice. I would add Big Bear as the next option for CA. Although there are a ton out here. You can also pull all the trails from Jeep jamboree as a starter.


New member
However, you point out that finding time is difficult. Maybe you should set it up in a Wiki type format where people would be encouraged to post trails that they know of. That way, you would provide the resource, but wouldn't have to actually be accountable for loading all the details.

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