80 series question


New member
Recently pick up a lx450 with lockers. I was wondering if the front and rear lockers lights are ment to flash when engaged? First time land cruiser owner just learning the truck!


Expedition Leader
Should not be flashing when engaged. Motors are stuck.

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KC Cruiser

Just go out to a dirt or gravel road and exercise them some by doing some wide slow turns. If they have not been used in a while turn them on and off a few times and they "should" engage. Good luck, lockers are a game changer:ylsmoke:


New member
Right on thanks for the info! Just got done reading a ton of forum posts about this problem. Going to spend some time after work see if I can't get them working. Thanks again.


Renaissance Redneck
Any issues you have can usually be solved in 15-20 minutes of reading on ih8mud. The people are usually friendlier here, but the info pool is deeeeeep on 'mud. Enjoy your new rig!


New member
Alright so spent some time reading and about 20min in the driveway. My lockers finely engaged. Did it at least a dozen times to loosen them up. Everything seems to be working, but rear locker isn't engaging every time. Drove it out on the beach this afternoon, front diff no problem rear well...

Do you think if I just keep working with it the problem will solve its self with use, or am I looking to rebuild here in the very near future?
For what it is worth, the rear locker doesn't engage very fast on my 80 either. I exercise them on monthly basis too. The rear locker does engage faster if I turn it off and on several times. I just figure it is quirk.


My front is slower than my rear. If you pull the actuators off, you can hook up a fresh 9v battery to the power and run the motor back and forth and see the worm gear engaging/disengaging. Mine had some crusty old, dried up grease that was causing drag. I used a pick and some oil to loosen the crust and remove it. It took about 15-20 minutes of cleaning and regreasing to get it running 100%. It's quick enough now that I can hear the worm gear spnning from inside the cab (well, at least with the engine/air and radio off). You have to pay attention to the aperature position when you reinstall. My recollection is that you have to engage the front to remove the actuator, so you have to reinstall it with the worm gear in the engage location, or your front will be locked and you'll have to pull the actuator again. My recollection is that I didn't have to drain the axle, but you'll know when you start pulling bolts/nuts.


The lockers aren't instant, that's for sure. You likely already know this: but you need a difference in wheel speed side-to-side to get them to engage.

My rear wasn't working at all when I purchased the truck, turned out to be rust between the flat areas that made the locker to the diff. Wire wheel and some fresh gasket maker fixed it all up. The problem wasn't obvious because everything worked on the bench, but the rust caused the locking pin to bind just a little due to the surfaces not mating perfectly.



For what it is worth, the rear locker doesn't engage very fast on my 80 either. I exercise them on monthly basis too. The rear locker does engage faster if I turn it off and on several times. I just figure it is quirk.

Same with mine and I've owned it all 21 years of its life! Rear has always been slower, but on offroad trips where it gets exercised, it does improve the more it gets used. Fronts have always been much quicker, even they don't get used as frequently!j

Glad you got yours working. Now go out and use them. :smiley_drive:

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