Hey guys,
Our overland trip is now complete and some time ago I purchased a photobook from photobox which I have to complete real soon. Upload times are slow here in Indonesia so I thought I would ask the question 'what makes a great photobook great?'
I have some idea myself. I now wish I hadn't gone for the 70 pager for a start!
Going to stick with clean and bold also.
Any of the pro's here want to chip in with some tips for layout, design, workflow etc?
All advice appreciated.
Our overland trip is now complete and some time ago I purchased a photobook from photobox which I have to complete real soon. Upload times are slow here in Indonesia so I thought I would ask the question 'what makes a great photobook great?'
I have some idea myself. I now wish I hadn't gone for the 70 pager for a start!
Going to stick with clean and bold also.
Any of the pro's here want to chip in with some tips for layout, design, workflow etc?
All advice appreciated.