I own an AluCab RTT, and love it in every way except the GDamn condensation that builds up in it when not in use. Let me repeat that, when not in use, like closed, w/o people in it. I live in New Mexico with little to no humidity and every time I open it up (weekly) it is visibly wet inside. I no longer keep the mattress in it, which sucks because the rest of the rig is always ready to camp out of at a moments notice. I am about to attempt to alleviate the issue (Hopefully) by sticking black foam pipe wrap along the sides that have no thermal barrier on them, my fingers are crossed but I am not convinced this will help as there is the perimeter of the roof section that is outside the tent walls but still inside the sealed compartment when closed and thus drips condensation onto the fabric. I have a feeling this whole area will need thermal insulating as well. The tent is basically sealed too well IMHO. Next step will be packets of desiccant left inside when closed, but that seems ridiculous to have to attend to. For those who are itching to post a reply stating I should just open it up and air it out weekly, well, I do, and every time its wet so that is no solution. Do I have a leak? It’s possible, but I dont believe so as it hasn’t rained here in over a month, still wet.
My question to you all is, if I was too install some vents and a solar exhaust fan, have any of you sourced a good one that you are happy with. Something like the James Baroude tens? This would be the nuclear option, but it is getting to that point for me.
My question to you all is, if I was too install some vents and a solar exhaust fan, have any of you sourced a good one that you are happy with. Something like the James Baroude tens? This would be the nuclear option, but it is getting to that point for me.