And it begins... 2005 Chevy Express AWD

I've been lurking around these parts for years, but never joined in on the conversation. Over the last decade, ive owned 4 vans, but the excitement from the my most recent purchase has finally pushed me to join the ranks. Here she is. 2005 Chevy Express 1500, AWD, Expedition build, tow package, 130k miles... No name yet, would like to lift her a bit, install a durable wood-looking floor, pull out one middle seat and construct a small well-built cabinet with sink in its place... then contemplating modifying the mid top to a pop top, but we'll see, that's a ways down the list.
Congrats on your purchase. Looks like a great start. I really wish I would have started with an AWD platform with mine. I could have used a little more traction just this past weekend.


Welcome to the AWD Club, lots of good info on site.
We also have a 2005 GMC Savana AWD with 190,000 , does not sit still much!!
Great traction for Wisconsin Winters
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Great choice!!

The best way to start right here: AWD, Hightop, doors on both sides, basic insulation, doors on both sides, rear heat A/C, ETC...............

Yea its got alot of stuff most people here don't want in or on their AWD Van, I have found it really is easier to tear stuff off than put things together...............

I have never been a fan of Van Conversions quality but they can be had for really good deals, they come with the best Factory chassis options like 4 pop out windows on the 60/40 doors, including the option of Camping first weekend you own it....

Almost all 1500 conversion vans are AWD with the drivers side door option and alot have a high top........2014 was the last year!


Nice van....I wish I would have seen it before you bought it. I have been looking for a clean, hightop, leather one for a while.
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I'd been scouring the interwebs for months before pouncing on this one... these things go for 1.5 - 2X as much over here in Idaho.
One of the perks of buying a prebuilt conversion is that you get to use it while you're planning the build... Took the fam hot spring camping two weekends ago, then to the mountains with some buddies this last weekend. I was happy to verify I have the factory "G80" locker in the rear. Didn't need it this last weekend, but the AWD did the job on the icy roads and that snowy parking lot.


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