and now the Chinese are coming ...


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
"Zhongxing Automobile is planning to export 50,000 pickups and SUVs to Mexico this year as a springboard to break into the U.S. market within two years. The vehicles will on average be a fifth cheaper than comparably equipped brand-name competitors," from CNN.

from what I understand, they will bring the pieces for assembly in Tijuana, then export to the US. anybody else think this one looks like a Land Cruiser?

And these sure look like Hilux's and Surf's (4Runners).
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Sleeping Giant

jeffryscott said:
....anybody else think this one looks like a Land Cruiser?

And these sure look like Hilux's and Surf's (4Runners).

They have hit the motorcycle realm and are gearing up to compete with Airbus and Boeing. Foreign Car manufacturers joint venture with Chinese automobile companies have only grown. SAIC is already building Cadillacs and Buick's for GM and Passat's for VW in China. I have a lot of respect for them. It will be interesting what happens in the next 10 years but it doesn't look good for Detroit.

At least one Chinese owner is helping Detroit. This picture of the H2 was taken in Shanghai outside of the JINMAO tower last month.

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Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
Its pretty well known that the Chinese are taking other manufactures cars and copying them nearly identically.

While I like the price I think its absolute crap that they can't even come up with an original design and they are so bold as to put out products that are quite obviously copies and quite obvious infringe on copy and Patents.


The BN Guy

Expedition Leader
That is a lame attempt of a logo.

I'll bypass for better quality. Lotsa things coming out of that country sure could use some improvements in quality. I can only imagine about their vehicles.


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
Grim Reaper said:
Its pretty well known that the Chinese are taking other manufactures cars and copying them nearly identically.

While I like the price I think its absolute crap that they can't even come up with an original design and they are so bold as to put out products that are quite obviously copies and quite obvious infringe on copy and Patents.


My understanding is the Japanese manufacturers often sell the dies and equipment once they move on to the next generation to the Chinese manufacturers. Many of the Chinese companies work with the Japanese, and some have the engines and such from the "parent" company. In this case (aside from the logos) I don't think the Chinese are "ripping" off the design so much as they are the beneficiaries of buying the "outdated" tech and having it come their way. In the long term, I believe this will bite the Japanese in the ass much as Detroit is reeling from years of arrogance. Afterall, look how far the Korean's have come in the 20 years they have been in the U.S. Unless something changes, China will be THE superpower, probably in my lifetime (I'm 45 and cynical).

Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
jeffryscott said:
My understanding is the Japanese manufacturers often sell the dies and equipment once they move on to the next generation to the Chinese manufacturers. Many of the Chinese companies work with the Japanese, and some have the engines and such from the "parent" company. In this case (aside from the logos) I don't think the Chinese are "ripping" off the design so much as they are the beneficiaries of buying the "outdated" tech and having it come their way. In the long term, I believe this will bite the Japanese in the ass much as Detroit is reeling from years of arrogance. Afterall, look how far the Korean's have come in the 20 years they have been in the U.S. Unless something changes, China will be THE superpower, probably in my lifetime (I'm 45 and cynical).
Funny...Daimler is trying to take leagal action against them for Making a copy of the smart car.,2144,2205500,00.html

Most of the European manufactures are not happy.

The irony of bringing Chinese cars to Europe doesn't escape Bijvelds, either. He says the way western car manufacturers deal with China is a bit schizophrenic. Everyone from Volkswagen to BMW wants their autos to be represented on the Chinese car market, one of the world's biggest. To do so, they've built modern factories in the Middle Kingdom, they've handed over the expensive technologies they've developed through licensing agreements and now they can only look on defenselessly as their own markets are attacked using weapons of their own creation.


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
Yeh, I think it is just the Japanese that sell the old stuff to the Chinese - I think the European companies aren't, so all those are knock-offs. Looking at some of the Chinese car makers web sites, several makes have the body made in China, but have running gear from Mitsubishi, etc ...

While I like to see the old designs kept alive, it is very scary how the Chinese will copy with impunity almost anything. But then again, that was the Japanese 50 years ago. Welcome to globalization.

Scenic WonderRunner


I'm looking for a second exploration vehicle........just can't decide on which model to choose!

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