I was looking through the local Craigslist last night and spotted this ad for an FWC camper in Salem, OR. No indication what year, and I'm not familiar with the Grandby model, but it appears to be in nice condition.
If someone here is interested I would be willing to go take a look at it and take more photos for you. Not knowing much about FWC campers, I would ask that you call the guy first and ask your questions directly before I go out there. If you're from far outside this area, I may be able to locate some storage for a limited time if you buy it.
When it says 60" wide, does that mean overall width or width between the fenders in the pickup box? Seems pretty narrow for overall width, but awfully large for a standard pickup box.
If someone here is interested I would be willing to go take a look at it and take more photos for you. Not knowing much about FWC campers, I would ask that you call the guy first and ask your questions directly before I go out there. If you're from far outside this area, I may be able to locate some storage for a limited time if you buy it.
When it says 60" wide, does that mean overall width or width between the fenders in the pickup box? Seems pretty narrow for overall width, but awfully large for a standard pickup box.
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