Anyone Know What This Is?

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
We were in Bisbee Arizona last winter and spotted this interesting looking thing?

At first I thought it was some sort of VW front end, but I stopped the truck and got out looking it over. It wasnt a VW and didnt have any markings on it?

I looks homemade! Notice the rims only have 3 lugs!?!



It is indeed. The link above refers to a 2CV, that's a Dyane ... pretty much the 2CV sucessor. Popular in van version.

here's a pic off Google

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Cool!! Thanks guys for knowing what it was so fast! I'm always amazed when I see something new and bring it up and people look at me weird like I should know what it was all along!

Sort of like Snipe hunting as a child! Never could find those darn things


Zorro said:
It is indeed. The link above refers to a 2CV, that's a Dyane ... pretty much the 2CV sucessor. Popular in van version.

here's a pic off Google

Cool...i knew it was a Citroen...but i had a hard time finding out what model.

I had lots of fun in bisbee, best veggie pizza ever is down there.Stayed a few nights and went to tombstone.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
motomech said:
Cool...i knew it was a Citroen...but i had a hard time finding out what model.

I had lots of fun in bisbee, best veggie pizza ever is down there.Stayed a few nights and went to tombstone.

We loved that little town. Great food, cool people and what funky architecture. Reminded us of Jerome or Eureka Springs


I want a smart car.....but i don't want it for a "Car".
I want it as a toy, I've always wanted to ride inside of my hot wheels and R/C cars!


Renault LE Car also had three lugs. Must be a French thing.

In West Africa (probably all other French speaking countries too) they call 2CVs Deux Cheveaux meaning "Two Horse" I expect they have a bit more power than that but not likely much.

IIRC Car and Driver in the 80s compared one on the skidpad against a Ford Escort GT and in spite of its horrendous body roll and tres-skinny tiers it kicked the little Ford's butt. Having seen them in action as a pedestrian crossing Paris roundabouts, I wasn't surprised at the results.


I just remembered seeing one of these with a remarkable story for sale in the US, many years ago. It was at the classic car auction at the Tacoma Dome. I don't know if they even have one there anymore. Anyway someone was selling a virtually mint, two tone, right hand drive 2CV that had apparently gone to Malaysia with its twin in the 60s to start a new dealership. It was not well received and while one sold, the other got shuffled to the back of a warehouse where it was found in the mid 80s by a US collector. He brought it home, cleaned it up and had it for sale. It was remarkable. 2 cyl air cooled front mounted engine, opera windows, a roll back top, the shifter went from the transaxle directly through the dash to a handle. Really neat if you're into weird cars. It had less than 2000 miles and I was very temped. I think it went for about $12K US which was beyond my means for a collector piece.

It looked a lot like an older version of this one...
(photo courtesy of 2vcimports)


Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
motomech said:
I want a smart car.....but i don't want it for a "Car".
I want it as a toy, I've always wanted to ride inside of my hot wheels and R/C cars!

That is my uncles car in that picture and we were comparing it to the size of our truck

They are a blast to drive and its wild that you can drift the little thing in your lane and not even worry about sliding into oncoming traffic...LOL

Check out this link - You'll be laughing at how stupid fun this looks! It's a company that swaps out the stock motors with Hayabusa motors!

We keep joking with my uncle that the family is going to all pitch in and pay for the swap for a Christmas Present next year


My uncle crossed the Sahara in his a few times, loved it. He found it to be a very good desert car, light and air cooled.

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