Apalachian trail


Expedition Leader
Has anyone hiked the Apalachian trail? Its one of the things I've always wanted to do. Was wondering best ways to prepare for it.

NH Moto Expo

Yep...Did it back in 91. I was 30 at the time and out of shape. The best thing you can do to prepare is get quality equipment and resolve your mind and spirit to persevere.

Truly there is little that can prepare your body for 20 mile days in the southern Appalachians. My first days were only 5 miles but after 2 weeks I was up to doing 15 per day. I'm 6'1" and started out at 220lbs...I finished a very thin 170lbs...but I had the time of my life. That's what has always had me hooked on adv travel. No matter if it's by boat, truck, motorcycle, bicycle..or foot.


Expedition Leader
Any suggestions on equipment? Should I get a hiking partner? I'm 45 and out of shape. Still someting I've always wanted to do.


We have hiked parts of the AT but have never actually backpacked it (always had to get back to the Jeep;) ). I have had friends who have done and loved it. There are many beautiful parts of the trail and it would be very rewarding. Even if you dont feel up to doing the whole thing you could pick out a good section. The part going through GSMNP is great and has some high elevations.


icefisher45 said:
Any suggestions on equipment? Should I get a hiking partner? I'm 45 and out of shape. Still someting I've always wanted to do.

Also on equipment I would suggest a good external frame backpack, tent and sleeping bag, the compact kind made for backpacking. Sorry if I am being obvious. What time of year would you be planning on going?


I had a friend do it in 2005, right out of school. Equipment key, don't rush and enjoy the journey. He lost 26lbs and ended up hiking in running shoes. He really trimmed his pack within the first month. He was also impressed with the upgraded shelters around Tenn.


Expedition Leader
jh504 said:
Also on equipment I would suggest a good external frame backpack, tent and sleeping bag, the compact kind made for backpacking. Sorry if I am being obvious. What time of year would you be planning on going?
Thinking about starting in June.

NH Moto Expo

If you start in June and are Northbound you may not finish in time. Baxter State Park (Katahdin) closes down in mid October so it makes it tough to get there in time unless you are rushing. Usual start time is April for Northbound hikers. I began May 27th but I started in Southern Virginia, hiked to Maine then took a bus back to VA and hiked the final 450 miles southbound and finished November 1st. Since you are in MA, go to any EMS location and they will be able to point you to someone on their staff that has either hiked all or part of the AT. They also support the trail hikers very well so if you have any problem with gear they will be able to replace it while you are on the trail.
NH Moto Expo said:
If you start in June and are Northbound you may not finish in time. Baxter State Park (Katahdin) closes down in mid October so it makes it tough to get there in time unless you are rushing. Usual start time is April for Northbound hikers. I began May 27th but I started in Southern Virginia, hiked to Maine then took a bus back to VA and hiked the final 450 miles southbound and finished November 1st. Since you are in MA, go to any EMS location and they will be able to point you to someone on their staff that has either hiked all or part of the AT. They also support the trail hikers very well so if you have any problem with gear they will be able to replace it while you are on the trail.

Yes April would be best. Starting in June would be cutting it close for the average thru hiker. If you have any friends or family along the way see if they would meet up with you at road crossing. Its a great way to rest up a bit and get a nice meal in before starting the next day.

My grandparents were thru hikers twice. They were in the mid-60s. When the reached the Connecticut portion we met up with then, took them out to dinner and brought extra supplies for them.

I remember my mom dehydrating all sorts of fruits for them.

NH Moto Expo


These are the best folks to ask any question of. Really go into the EMS on Comm ave in Boston and there will be someone who has hiked the AT.

As far as S to N vs N to S...really a timing thing as people have done both. Most still hike S to N be prepared for a more Solitary trip if Southbound. Some people have started out northbound only to finish and "flip Flop" and return back south again. Years ago there was a guy called the "weather Carrot" who used to just hike year round back and forth.

It used to be that 2500 people would leave Springer Mt, GA and only 100 would make the whole thing. Lots of reasons to drop it, but if you can keep your head in the end game it's really not that tough to do. Kind of like running a marathon...anyone can do it...they just need the time and desire.

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