ATV's, Mfgs. TV commercials/ads, Tread lightly??


Hello all, after reading many comments about the ATV community acting with irresponsibility in there land use, I think that mabey the mfg. community could promote our "tread lightly" message better. By way of example check out the current ads/commercials most seem to show use that doesn't look like riding on established trails or "treading lightly. Correct me if I am wrong, mabey our OHV community should start contacting the major ATV producers about stressing tread lightly when riding and show it in ther product promotion, just a thought, what think? stay safe, mjmcdowell


I agree! But, it should include auto manufacturers as well! Most commercials for 4WD or AWD vehicles have to show their product in a not-so-Tread Lightly way.


Tread lightly ATV/4x4 use

Yes, you are right it should be the responsibility of all those who make vehicles with off road capabilities to promote there proper usage, however it seems (at least to me) that the ATV community is advertised in a more improper land usage way, hope this does not tick anyone off too much and if we could sucessfully get a positive response from all 4x4 makers all would benefit. Oh... up here in the NE I see more narrow 2 tracks then single, or normal vehicle width that probably should not be there, some even on land that I know no vehicular use is allowed...period, ie. watersheads. stay safe, mjmcdowell


New member
I'm mostly a dual sport motorcycle rider, but also own and ride atv's. I don't think you'll tick anybody off with your comments. As an ATV owner I'm not offended. However I'm not sure I'm entirely on board with your thoughts about ATV manufacturers having the most "un-tread lightly" advertising. In my opinion the car manufacturers who make SUV's are just as bad. I think the ATV manufacturers have actually gotten much better recently in their print advertising and brochures. Some of the aftermarket manufacturers not so much. If you get the chance go pick up a current Polaris brochure. I think they do an excellent job of portraying responsible use. What I also like is the manufacturers who make sport type ATV's showing those ATV's on the race track rather than racing down a trail.


Well-known member
This is a long drawn issue that I can assure you different OHV advocacy groups and associations have been working on and would like to address more. My suggestion would be for you to send the target of the commercials a polite letter letting them know how you feel about their advertising. While it often may "appear" like they are promoting a poor outdoor ethic, the reality is that they film on private land, thus the regular "rules" don't really apply.

Beyond that, join your local or state 4x4/ATV/OHV association and volunteer your support and help on this issue. I can assure you that if someone approached our state Association (, we would fully support them in their venture. A more troubling issue to myself is the filming of rockcrawling, dirtbike and snowmobiling videos where an outdoor ethic is often disregarded, often on public lands. Again I can speak for our state association, its something we want to tackle, but down the list of priorities given short resources.


Most ATV commercials that I have seen, and the Jeep one especially show them on the proper double track trails or sand dunes, I don't see the problem.

I'm not really seeing cross country mahem.


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
mjmcdowell said:
Hello all, after reading many comments about the ATV community acting with irresponsibility in there land use, I think that mabey the mfg. community could promote our "tread lightly" message better. By way of example check out the current ads/commercials most seem to show use that doesn't look like riding on established trails or "treading lightly. Correct me if I am wrong, mabey our OHV community should start contacting the major ATV producers about stressing tread lightly when riding and show it in ther product promotion, just a thought, what think? stay safe, mjmcdowell

This is a good idea - the more passive responsible drivers are, the more the "yahoos" become the norm, which I don't think is the case.

We also need to direct this type of calm and intelligent suggestions to members of our own community - I recently saw a video of a truck and trailer driving what appears to be through a grassy unroaded meadow and up a watercourse - not exactly tread lightly. Looks can be deceiving for sure - there may have been a road but it just didn't show. However, driving up a creek is just not good. Contaminating the water with oil/fluids, as well as churning up sediment and destroying plants on the banks - this is just irresponsible.

Thanks for the reminder that we all need to take the extra step sometimes and be advocates for such things as "treading lightly."

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