Awning tent?


I need some advice/recommendations.

I've been putting together an idea of putting together an awning/tent on the side of my vehicle. Aliexpress has some 3m x 3m awnings which from there I would build the side panels myself without a floor. My thought process for this is the following:

I want to run a stove in the winter
There may be times where my wife and 2 kids come along - more likely my son and I though
My kids are 5 and 3 and they can sleep in the Pajero. I'd have the windows down so heat from the stove can carry inside.
My wife and I would sleep in the awning tent.
I may create an access hatch where the rear window is to easily get to things.

The biggest pull for this is I want to easily set up in the winter and be comfortable and cozy with a wood stove going.

I'm sure I'm missing some factors to consider. Please provide some insight.


Sounds like you are looking for an Oztent or have an old style canvas tent maker come up with something for you. We still have them in our area, I would think they exist in Alberta.

Outside somewhere

Overland certified public figure brand ambassador
Maybe call kodiak tent or someone like that and see if they can make something for you? I can't think off the top of my head that I've ever seen a canvas awning room. Well at least one that didn't attach to a canvas tent that is. Everyone one I've seen is RTT type material. Or consider buying something like a canvas tent and have stove jack put in it. We had a that type of set up for over 7 years and it was perfect.


I have been considering the Oztent. My hold up is the $$$. By the time I have the parts I want I'm looking at $2k for the tent components. Buy once, cry once I suppose. I have not seen them for sale in Alberta. I know Bass Pro in Canada doesn't carry the Kodiak tents because of certain safety standards and I think it's the same for the Oztents. Something to do with our fire standards I believe. Not that that is stopping me from getting one.


Maybe call kodiak tent or someone like that and see if they can make something for you? I can't think off the top of my head that I've ever seen a canvas awning room. Well at least one that didn't attach to a canvas tent that is. Everyone one I've seen is RTT type material. Or consider buying something like a canvas tent and have stove jack put in it. We had a that type of set up for over 7 years and it was perfect.

I currently have a canvas bell tent that is great but for quick over-nighters it's a bit of a hassle setting up and taking down.


We do a tent for our largest awning, which is 2.5m against the vehicle, and extends out 3.0m (500mm longer than most other brands). It's all canvas. Definitely have to be concerned with heat. The tricky part would be managing the possibility of embers getting in the air and landing on the canvas. The canvas is good for what it is, but it's not like military canvas on these which could handle too much heat.

I've used an awning with tent and a Mr Buddy heater and I was pleasantly warm inside. I like your idea, you would just have to figure out how to handle the chimney.


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