Just picked up a new vehicle for promoting my Back Pack company, and yes I will be living in this one as well(cheaper to park outside of my warehouse(garage) rather than pay Telluride inflated rent). Found it via national craigslist search in Michigan. Right now, just getting it ready to do a mini sales tour, then after the tour is done, probably Ujoint 4x4 kit(Ujoint if you want to come visit Telluride this summer?). Engine runs solid, 7.3 PS with 120k, interior is in great shape(I'll put some more pics up later of the interior before we destroy the inside with speakers, tvs and such). Zero rust, which was huge for me, and makes sense because its a 95 with 120k, so it was probably only driven for the summer. I still have no clue who originally did the conversion and hightop, the only badging on the vehicle besides the Ford is Road Master, which would just be the company that made the side steps.