Be a part of Expeditions 7


never outdone
Be a part of Expeditions 7, courtesy of Proffitt's Cruisers.

E7 organizers have just informed us of the availability of one seat on the first leg "Staging for Alaska" of an historic around-the-world expedition. This first leg, the precursor to the expedition proper, takes place the second week of April and will consist of moving the 2 expedition vehicles, 2012 VDJ78 Land Cruisers from Proffitt's Cruisers in Salt Lake City, Utah to Fairbanks, Alaska. From there, the expedition will drive around the world, visiting all 7 continents on a 2 year long, record breaking expedition.

Proffitt's Cruisers is proud to offer the seat to one lucky Proffitt's Cruisers Newsletter subscriber, all expenses paid. That means air fare to SLC from your location (within the continental US and Canada) and back home from Fairbanks AK, plus expedition style accommodations on the journey. The overland journey to Alaska is expected to leave from Salt Lake City, Utah on Monday, April 9th and arrive in Fairbanks on Sunday, April 15th. More details about this first leg of E7, "Staging for Alaska" are forthcoming.

To enter, you must be a member in good standing of the Proffitt's Cruisers Newsletter mailing list. If you haven't signed up yet, do so now. Due to the timing of this expedition, we will need to draw for the winner on Friday. March 30th. Some restrictions apply.


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SE Overlanding Society
Awesome, I would be honored to be apart of that trip. Sounds like a experience of a life time!

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