Biodiesel use in overlander rigs- have you tried it? What happened?

Waltzing Matilda

I'm very close to purchasing a diesel rig to convert for use as an overland travel vehicle (details later) and have been considering my fuel options. Turns out there is a local biodiesel company I'm interested in- so far I have not made phone contact, but it looks promising:

My questions to other diesel owner/drivers: have you used biodiesel?
Have you noticed any changes in mileage/performance?
Did you convert/modify/add separate tanks etc., or just use as you would regular fuel?

The New Leaf FAQ page ( states:

"Biodiesel can be operated in any diesel engine with little or no modification to the engine or the fuel system. Biodiesel has a solvent effect that may release deposits accumulated on tank walls and pipes from previous diesel fuel storage. The release of deposits may clog filters initially and precautions should be taken. Ensure that only fuel meeting the biodiesel specification is used."

Has anyone experienced this? And if it does "release deposits" should I plan for that, and run a partial tank ahead of time, then clean filters etc. as needed before continuing to use it?

"Biodiesel can be used as a pure fuel or blended with petroleum in any percentage. B20 (a blend of 20 percent by volume biodiesel with 80 percent by volume petroleum diesel) has demonstrated significant environmental benefits with a minimum increase in cost for fleet operations and other consumers."

Since I plan to travel into Baja, wondering if I can top off w/biodiesel in San Diego (60 gal tank, not sure of mileage/range yet) and add as needed while south of border.

For shorter trips, closer to home, might not even need to add more fuel.

So... has anyone been using biodiesel, and if so- What have you experienced, pro/con?

Thanks for your suggestions, advice, cautionary tales etc.!


I think here now all diesel has some element of bio in it. I used to run on veggie oil and diesel mix in my truck for a couple of years,it would run fine,but smell like fast food out the back. The fuel filter ended up getting replaced fairly frequently for the first while,because it would draw all the old crap through from the bottom of the tank. Performance stayed roughly the same,but it was harder to start when it was cold out,and I avoided it in winter.

One thing that did happen was the seals on my injector pump went hard and started leaking,not sure is that because of the lower sulphur diesel recently or is it the veg oil did it. Newer fuel systems are designed around the lower sulphur content,but the older ones suffer because of it, however newer systems aren't as tolerant to things that aren't straight from the pump,so I'd look it up on the model specific forums before taking the plunge.

What truck is it going to be going into?

Waltzing Matilda

i'm looking at a Ford E350 shuttlebus with a turbo Powerstroke 7.3. (Check out "Das Bus" for an idea of what I'm aiming at.)

Just found this interesting study on lubricants in diesel fuel in another thread. It seems biodiesel can actually be helpful for older engines.

I'm thinking of getting a diesel and using a local biodiesel source. According to the study soy-based bio diesel is a good thing for engines.

FYI: (partial results) In Order Of Performance:

1) 2% REG SoyPower biodiesel
HFRR 221, 415 micron improvement.
50:1 ratio of baseline fuel to 100% biodiesel
66.56 oz. of 100% biodiesel per 26 gallons of diesel fuel
Price: market value

2)Opti-Lube XPD
Multi-purpose + anti-gel
cetane improver, demulsifier
HFRR 317, 319 micron improvement.
256:1 ratio
13 oz/tank

3)FPPF RV, Bus, SUV Diesel/Gas fuel treatment
Gas and Diesel
cetane improver, emulsifier
HFRR 439, 197 micron improvement
640:1 ratio
5.2 oz/tank

4)Opti-Lube Summer Blend
HFRR 447, 189 micron improvement
3000:1 ratio
1.11 oz/tank

5)Opti-Lube Winter Blend
Muti-purpose + anti-gel


I don't see it being a problem, but expect to pay at least $1 or more per gallon than pump diesel. Maybe mix 50/50 with regular diesel so you can benefit from lubricity of it.


If it cost me more than petro I wouldn't use it. I do however make my own and run it in the warmer months, if it's going to be lower than about 32* F I blend with or switch completely to petro. 100% bio will not regen a DPF, so after about 07 20% is the max concentration you can run.
100% bio starts and runs about the same as petro, the engine will probably run quieter. Wvo is a different story it will make it a lot harder to start cold like below triple digits in temperature. Most who run wvo do a two tank system or blend it with petro. If you put anything over 20% in buy a box of filters, below that it shouldn't make a difference. If you are buying it do so from a reputable source, you don't want to get a bunch of water, soap, or glycerin in your tank.
As for the buying it or any other lubrication additive you can argue it's cheaper to run your injection pump and injectors to worn out for cheaper than buying all the additives to maybe squeeze some more life out of them and then still spending the money to replace the pump and injectors.
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I've run B20 in my 2007 LBZ Duramax (pre-smog version of Duramax) for a few years now with zero issues. I do think the mileage is a bit lower but I haven't bothered compiling hard numbers. With the ultra low sulfur fuel I believe ALL diesel is B02 (2%) to get the require lubricity so the engines don't tear themselves up.

Quite frankly I've been doing it to do my part in encouraging the bio-diesel industry. If we want energy independence and to quit funding certain elements on their self-proclaimed war on western civilization it's kind of a put up or shut up situation. Other than that there is probably no "real" reason to run bio.

Deleted member 13060

I don't have a diesel but as a Euro Car Tech I see a lot of VW TDI's.

I have several customers who insist on running Bio Diesel (home made of some sort or another) and ALL those customers go through injection pumps on a fairly regular basis. Those running the B20 commercial fuel seem to have no problems.

My opinion (yeah, I know) is to run "good" fuel on any rig that's outside of cell phone or AAA range.



Active member
It's not specific to overlanding, but do your diligence with researching biodiesel specific to your engine. I made my own ASTM-grade biodiesel for 1 1/2 years (had a BioPro 150 processor), and ran it in an '80 Mercedes wagon. That engine is very versatile/forgiving with even 100% bio (summer), and ~30% bio (winter in Michigan). Later-model diesels, depending on the manufacturer/engine were more finicky.

When I was brewing my own, it was ~$0.85-0.90/gallon, and a lot of fun "playing with chemistry" again.


SE Expedition Society
David Staples (Shortbusgeek) runs his rig on bio and I think most of his farm equipment also.
He's been doing it for years. I'll try to find him to comment.


SE Expedition Society
As a diesel industry insider on modern diesel engines here is a list of my concerns: this only applies to 2008+....anything before 2008 go for it.

1) Downstream failures...ATD and DPF face plugging and regeneration issues.

2) Injector pump failures

3) Injector failures

4) Oil dilution

4) Quality of bio..this is still an issue.

5) Lacks winter weather performance. There is a reason why MN mandates a lower B% in winter vs summer.

6) Big Soybeans/Big Farming vs Big Oil...

7) Reduced fuel consumption vs in the end you are using more win for Big Farming. Bio may defeats new technology to increase mpg on trucks.

8) Puts owner/operators at risk of voided warranties on new engines. There is a reason why Mercedes recommends no more than B5 on any of there engines....light duty to heavy duty.

Here is a white paper from MBUSA on Bio....

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