BLM seeks public input on recreation, road access in Table Mesa area


Not sure if this is the appropriate place...mods please move if not.

Thought some in Az would be interested in this.

Public meetings scheduled Nov. 18 and 20; comments accepted through Dec. 20

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is asking the public for input on what types of recreational uses and road access should be taken into consideration for future management of the “Table Mesa Recreation Area.”

The area is located about 35 miles north of Phoenix between I-17 and the northeast end of Lake Pleasant (view map).

Area users are encouraged to provide input to assist the BLM in development of a Recreation Activity Plan/Travel Management Plan and Environmental Assessment. Some of the issues to consider are:

* Are there roads you would like to see closed or opened, and why?
* Can you identify areas that are best for off-road vehicles, horseback riding, hiking, or other uses?
* Should areas be provided for safe target shooting?
* What access points should be provided for recreation areas?
* Are there needs for additional parking/trailheads?
* What private property access issues need to be considered?
* Are there valid existing rights that need to be considered?
* What other issues for the area are important to you?

Two public meetings have been scheduled to provide information and give the public the opportunity to provide input:

* Phoenix, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Deer Valley Senior Center, 2001 W. Wahalla Lane.

* Anthem, Thursday, Nov. 20, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Anthem Community Center, 41130 North Freedom Way.

Written input can also be submitted from now through Dec. 20 via e-mail to

For more information, visit the BLM’s Web site at and click on the Table Mesa link under “In the Spotlight,” or call Project Manager Tom Bickauskas at (623) 580-5502.


This is the right forum. I'll bet that these will be well attended meetings. The Table Mesa area has so many different user groups, with many not liking one another. Should make for some interesting meetings. :coffee:

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
To be brutally frank, I think the Table Mesa area should be managed as a sacrificial area, a convenient place for ATVs, wildcat shooting, and drunken parties, as well as high-impact 4WD use and practice. If we close it down or restrict usage, the bozos will not go home and become productive citizens; they'll just head across I-17 and start trashing the Bloody Basin area.


Expedition Leader
Jonathon, you're exactly right.

In every meeting I've attended on the area over the last 7, yes, 7 years, I've suggested that the area be setup like the Johnson Valley OHV site in Cali. TM's already had years of very hard use, and indeed does have many of the most difficult trails in AZ.

But, in every meeting I've been to my suggestion has been met with outright hostility by some, and the BLM managers poo poo'd the idea.

Oh well...


Glamping Society
I also agree, I've gone to clean ups out there and attended some of the weekly Firday night runs with the FJ club and I think it would just be better off as an OHV park. We in the FJ club try to do our part when we are out there but with all the other drunk shooters and ATV'ers our time spent is almost a waste. I absolutely love the Seven Springs/Bloody Basin area and I'd hate to see that get trashed as well.

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