Built-in Portable Generator


I really hate RV specific generators. "Microquiet"? ha.
Looking at a honda or yamaha with electric start and a propane conversion. Anyone build-in a generator like that?


I think its a great idea, I've been wanting to try one of the propane conversion kits. They seem to work good!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOBR-4nRbFw&feature=related] Propane Conversion Kit[/ame]


We have a bunch of propane converted small engines at work(pretty much anything 4 stroke, and gasoline fueled)....

Never have any problems with them, and the oil doesnt get all black like a regular gas engine...

ANYWAY, I think for OUR intended purpose remote camping, etc... you really cant beat it... the fuel wont spill, if done right, can be stored on vehicle safely(maybe even an RV tank mounted underneath depending on your app?) AND, you can power the gen, ck stove, lanterns, grill, whatever off one fuel.... In my case w/ a diesel truck, it makes complete sense...

For, I dont know.... but, I have to say, I like the way the small engines start and run on the LP...



Does Honda automatically maintain it's warranty with conversion? Yamaha does, but it seems Honda may not.


I've been reading specs and U.S. Carburetion's propane conversion claims no down rating of power compared to gasoline. Interesting. They also install a tachometer to allow optimizing air/fuel ratio. It can be readjusted at altitude.

There are surprisingly few complaints about U.S. Carburetion conversions. I ordered the tri-fuel Yamaha 1000 and will see if I can build it in somewhere.

I had wimped out with a larger generator. But this small Yamaha is designed to work with my large solar and battery setup. The idea being that the generator is close to my battery charger rating and A/C run rating (900w). The inverter can easily handle A/C start current.

Running the air condition all night with this size generator the batteries would be in a neutral state with the compressor on, and charging during the times the compressor was off. Or that's the design at least. We'll still need to see if I've ignored something important.

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