Call for Pictures for Calendar "Landcruiser meets Landscape"


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Dear Overlanders and Landcruiser Enthusiasts,

I have been following your posts here for a long time and I always admired the awesome pictures you post. Since the beginning of 2014 I am the proud owner of an 80 Series Diesel over here in Switzerland, Europe. It has a DIY drawer system, in-car sleeping set-up and lots of other mods. We plan a one year journey through the Americas beginning next summer. Driving home from our last offroad adventure in the Pyrenees, I had the idea to create a Calendar with pictures from Landcruisers from all over the world.

For this undertaking the help of the world's Landcruiser community is required – we need your pictures! The year's theme will be "Landcruiser meets Landscape".
Your most scenic campsites and other shots depicting your Landcruiser in the great outdoors - that's the kind of picture I am looking for.

I even got Toyota Switzerland and to support me with prizes I can raffle off to reward your effort. All prizes are shipped internationally of course.

For details and upload see

Thanks in advance for your submissions! And thanks to Expedition Portal for letting me use this platform.



New member
Free Calendar for the finalists

There are some great news for you:

We are very happy to announce that the participants whose pictures are selected to appear in the Calendar will receive a free copy delivered to their home!

IBS Tech as a new sponsor will carry the cost and the shipping for those 13 calendars. Details on

Also check out the new Blog on the website where we will communicate news.

Happy uploading!:)


New member
The "Jury" introduces itself

Hello to you all,

Only one week to go until uploads will be closed on Saturday September 27th 0800 UTC!

So for those who have not yet uploaded their photos, take your time this weekend, scan your photos and submit the best ones here:
Remember we are raffling off valuable prizes to the contributors.

Keep in mind the minimum dimensions for the photos is 3800x2600px :)

Those who have already uploaded their photos, have a look at the introduction of the "Jury":

Thank you for all your contributions, we hope to start shipping the calendars at the beginning of November. So far, we received many pictures from all over the world, from Mozambique to Norway!

Enjoy the weekend,

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