Expedition Leader
Well Amigo's I have some interesting news. On our Baja 1000 expedition last fall. Chris Cole (campa USA), Mike Lokey (Lokey Trucks), and myself were up late talking over the usual rederic of expedition vehicles, outfitting etc. Always intreaged with new ideas and improved old ones, we were discussing the merits of trailers vs self contained vehicles. Me being the only one planning on using a self contained rig, and it being a truck got us to talking about an expedition truck with good reliability and a fully contained camping system like how the campa trailer system is. We were talking about various ways of cutting up my truck etc and Chris Cole secretly formed a plan in his mind reguarding the all the talks.
After returning home I got a call from Chris at Campa and we discussed at length the merits of the various Toyota Truck offerings and where to get one. After having been to Toyota of Dallas it was decided that working with Ben and Jacque would be the best plan to buy and outfit a new '07 Tacoma for the build. Getting one complete with and OME suspension system and front and rear ARB locker was no problem from T.O.D. so the truck was ordered and in a few weeks Chris flew out to pick it up.
After 2 months of Fabrication and custom work here is the product. I will have more firm specs in a bit but Chris emailed me some build and final pics. It features lights, custom bumpers, dual batteries, hot shower, 22 gallon water tank 39 gallons fuel, engel, honda generator, full kitchen, tent suystem, hard case mounts on top rack, compressor system ome suspension w airbag, 33" tires dual arb lockers, manual tranny propane tanks, and a whole lot more. The system will be offered as a complete buy it and drive truck with plans for a diy kit. This rig is amazing and I can't wait to see it in person. Anyway without further ado here is the Campa USA Expedition Vehicle System.
First the basic Tacoma witht he composite bed removed.
Then the OME suspension witht he air bags intalled.
The heart of the electrical system.
The first office pic.
Office pic #2 showing switches in the center console.
Some shots of the main bin and rear kitchen bin under construction before wheel well storage bins.
The modified All Pro Offroad front bumper with winch.
the under hood battery management system.
This are all the under construction images I can show for now but this covers the basics of it.
After returning home I got a call from Chris at Campa and we discussed at length the merits of the various Toyota Truck offerings and where to get one. After having been to Toyota of Dallas it was decided that working with Ben and Jacque would be the best plan to buy and outfit a new '07 Tacoma for the build. Getting one complete with and OME suspension system and front and rear ARB locker was no problem from T.O.D. so the truck was ordered and in a few weeks Chris flew out to pick it up.
After 2 months of Fabrication and custom work here is the product. I will have more firm specs in a bit but Chris emailed me some build and final pics. It features lights, custom bumpers, dual batteries, hot shower, 22 gallon water tank 39 gallons fuel, engel, honda generator, full kitchen, tent suystem, hard case mounts on top rack, compressor system ome suspension w airbag, 33" tires dual arb lockers, manual tranny propane tanks, and a whole lot more. The system will be offered as a complete buy it and drive truck with plans for a diy kit. This rig is amazing and I can't wait to see it in person. Anyway without further ado here is the Campa USA Expedition Vehicle System.
First the basic Tacoma witht he composite bed removed.

Then the OME suspension witht he air bags intalled.

The heart of the electrical system.

The first office pic.

Office pic #2 showing switches in the center console.

Some shots of the main bin and rear kitchen bin under construction before wheel well storage bins.

The modified All Pro Offroad front bumper with winch.

the under hood battery management system.

This are all the under construction images I can show for now but this covers the basics of it.