Camping Trailer Idea & Sketch


SE Expedition Society
I'm cross-posting this from the Jeep section in the hopes of more advice:

I'd love to hit the Lotto and buy a nice trailer but, for now, I can't afford a purpose-built commercial rig....

So I've been sketching and sketching for months. The most recent idea that I've come up with is a very simple plan:
two aluminum tool boxes (2' deep, 2' high, 3' wide) placed back to back on a ladder frame, opening fore and aft. Attached to the sides I'd hang two more boxes, 10"x10"x3' --- they'd act as part of the fender. Weld it all up, put it on a 3500-lb axle, match the wheels to my JK Wrangler. Add a basket on the tongue for jerry cans and cooler.
I'd still use my Columbia ground tent for now and add a RTT later as budget permits and convert one of the side boxes into a galley.

Here's my rookie sketch; looking for advice and sympathy.
I just spoke with a fabricator and they could build it in two weeks for $2200, including non-matching 32" wheels/tires. I'm trying to track down some take-off Sahara wheels...



That looks like what I was starting out my plans with. Have you priced out those aluminum boxes? Those are included in your $2200 quote? For me those aluminum or even steel prefab boxes were too much. But if that's your total price, make sure you have that quote in detail, and even then have more on hand. And plan for more time too!

You will need spacers for your JK wheels to fit on a standard axle.

All that said, looks like it will get you out in the woods!


SE Expedition Society
That's the total price; I've been pricing boxes too and all 4 boxes come in around $1K --- here's a good site that I found:

The fabricator is in Alabama and built a trailer for somebody here locally; it was done on time and on budget.... ....My fingers are crossed.


Hilldweller said:
including non-matching 32" wheels/tires. I'm trying to track down some take-off Sahara wheels...

I was just on Craigslist Denver, Holy shikies it's the land of the JK take offs. tons of them Rubi's and Sahara's from 375.00 for a set of wheels and no tires thru brand new take offs complete. I was thinking of getting a set of RUbi take offs and putting adapters on my XJ to use them on it.


You can get a 3500# axle with 5x5 bolt pattern,, just check the hubs before to see if they fit the center bore of the jk wheels,, the jk wheels are hub centric..


Cruiser said:
You can get a 3500# axle with 5x5 bolt pattern,, just check the hubs before to see if they fit the center bore of the jk wheels,, the jk wheels are hub centric..

They can't. See my build for info.


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Cruiser said:
You can get a 3500# axle with 5x5 bolt pattern,, just check the hubs before to see if they fit the center bore of the jk wheels,, the jk wheels are hub centric..

Are you certain they are hub centric??

I may be mistaken, but I believe the holes for the nuts have a tapered ends making then lug centric.

All very technical and picky I know.


Hilldweller said:
I'm cross-posting this from the Jeep section in the hopes of more advice:

I'd love to hit the Lotto and buy a nice trailer but, for now, I can't afford a purpose-built commercial rig....

So I've been sketching and sketching for months. The most recent idea that I've come up with is a very simple plan:
two aluminum tool boxes (2' deep, 2' high, 3' wide) placed back to back on a ladder frame, opening fore and aft. Attached to the sides I'd hang two more boxes, 10"x10"x3' --- they'd act as part of the fender. Weld it all up, put it on a 3500-lb axle, match the wheels to my JK Wrangler. Add a basket on the tongue for jerry cans and cooler.
I'd still use my Columbia ground tent for now and add a RTT later as budget permits and convert one of the side boxes into a galley.

Here's my rookie sketch; looking for advice and sympathy.
I just spoke with a fabricator and they could build it in two weeks for $2200, including non-matching 32" wheels/tires. I'm trying to track down some take-off Sahara wheels...


Interesting concept. It is nice to be able to use off the shelf components for a build, just because it makes it come together that much quicker.

I'm interested in the pricing of the trailer. The link that you provided shows the 24X24X36 box for $392.00 each. I wasn't able to find any 10x10x36 boxes like what is shown in the picture so lets give them a generously low price of $185.00 each. This brings the price to $1154 for the four boxes. Adding a 3500lb axle with brakes will run around $350 including springs and hangers (probably a wholesale price at that). Lights should set you back about another $80.00 for quality units. Jack and trailer coupler are probably another $75.00. So right now I'm up to a running total of $1659.00 Add in steel for the frame and your builder ends up donating his time to you and you come out of the deal smelling like a rose.

From my experience in building the trailer for Clark, you will need to order some 2.5" wheel adapters if you intend to use stock jeep aluminum wheels. This also means that you will need to order your axle 5" narrower than what you want your effective axle width to be. In my area it takes a minimum of two weeks to get a custom trailer axle made.

I hope you go ahead with the build. It's always great to see another trailer come to life, especially one with new ideas that we haven't seen before.

If you do end up using the boxes that you linked to in your first post take into consideration how the lids open. From the picture it looks like they are hinged on the bottom such that when opened the face of the lid will actually swing lower than the bottom of the box itself. I'd hate to see your build progress just to have something like that throw you a curve ball the first time you went to open the box after mounting them on the trailer frame.

Good luck & keep us posted.



SE Expedition Society
The fabricator has a different source for the boxes; I still have to meet with him and see what he's picked out. When I sent them the plans I sent them some links to other people's builds, commercial rigs, and granted him generous "wiggle room". I spelled out my general criteria.
His price also includes 32" tires but not the 5 on 5 JK wheels or hub.

When I get time later I'll draw my original idea on the computer and post it. It's closer in concept to a Sherp and relies more heavily on somebody with welding skills.


I said hub centric as that is what is said over on the jeep JK forums,, as most steel wheels are not and have issues.. Seems chrysler believes in both the hub center taking the weight and the lugs(small center bore).. and for the wheels,, yes you can get some to fit,, but as I said,, you must test fit the drums/hubs with the wheels to find some that clear.. It wont be easy to find but they are out there.. Also you might have to ditch the centercap on the wheel for the dust cap from the axle.. When I did my trailer with TJ wheels I went with nice looking bearing buddy caps that fit in really nice,, were stainless and looked at home with the alum. wheels..
If I can find a picture of my old trailer I'll post it up..


A lil time with a die grinder or a lathe and the wheels can be opened up to fit fairly easy. Lotsa folks used to make there chevy wheels fit the toyota around here by doing that.


SE Expedition Society

Anybody who is married will understand.
My wife began sulking 3 days ago about the trailer idea and we've reached a bargain position; a hitch-mounted telescoping box for now with an option next year for either a RTT on a nice rack or a trailer.

I understand her concerns; I have some health issues and she's worried about piloting the Jeep out of the woods herself lugging a trailer.

And I was getting jazzed about a trailer. But maybe now I can get a Chaser or Sherpa....

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