Cave Rescue training


Expedition Leader
Taking a 2 day cave rescue training course in Sept. Has anyone taken a class like this? Wondering what to expect.:coffee:



Expect darkness.
Don't forget the knee and elbow pads.
As I remember there was really long hang times in a harness.


Expedition Leader
Guess its a good thing I don't mind hanging around in the dark. Anything other then elbow and knee pads should I bring? Are regular hiking boots ok?


We had a three day cave training exercise a few weeks ago but I faded at the last minute and didn't go :eek:

Take overalls/boiler suit. Oh and don't have any phobias about bat poo.
We have to make sure that all our clothes etc are properly cleaned prior to entering the caves to so we don't contaminate.
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Expect lots of water. Knee boots or thigh high waders, the mud can be deep! Helmets, and an extra flashlight, did I mention to bring a backup flashlight?


Is it the Orientation to Cave Rescue class taught by the NCRC Sep 19-20 in Manchester, VT? If so, I have tons of experience with these classes (I assist teaching OCRs in the Central Region NCRC). Its a great class, and a lot of fun. Be prepared to get dirty, and be tired. As long as you walk in with a good attitude and eager to learn, you'll have a great time.

Its just the tip of the iceberg, though. If you like it, try taking one of the NCRC National Weeklong seminars in the summer. Its an insane amount of education about caving and rope rescue. :victory:

If you aren't an experienced caver, have a read through the NSS' brochure A Guide to Responsible Caving, especially the section about recommended equipment.
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Who is hosting the event, ER NCRC? All of the caves in my area are closed due to White Nose Bat Syndrome.


Expedition Leader
Is it the Orientation to Cave Rescue class taught by the NCRC Sep 19-20 in Manchester, VT? If so, I have tons of experience with these classes (I assist teaching OCRs in the Central Region NCRC). Its a great class, and a lot of fun. Be prepared to get dirty, and be tired. As long as you walk in with a good attitude and eager to learn, you'll have a great time.

Its just the tip of the iceberg, though. If you like it, try taking one of the NCRC National Weeklong seminars in the summer. Its an insane amount of education about caving and rope rescue. Yes this is the course. I will read that section. Do you know if we get con ed for it. Could use it for my paramedic?


Have a great time. Your team's Medical Officer should be able to arrange con-ed credits for you.


I was a big fan of exploring caves until i saw the movie The Decent. I will never set foot in a cave again. Period.


I was a big fan of exploring caves until i saw the movie The Decent. I will never set foot in a cave again. Period.


I've done some pretty flat out stupid things in my day. Climbed very tall mountains....dived very deep (technical dives)....sailed across the oceans in small boats, and flown across the oceans in small airplanes....hiked long distances solo.....climbed rocks, just because, fought fires and rescued lives. Even ejected out of a totally screwed up airplane (once) and jumped out of perfectly adequate airplanes a few times.

I even got married (twice!).

But the ONLY way you'll get me in a small cave is with drugs..lots and lots of drugs


Expedition Leader
Old rules

As a former member of the NSS (l o n g time ago) there was only two rules:

1. Always carry three independent sources of light (carbide lamp, battery flashlight, candle, etc.)

2. Remember Rule 1.

Have fun!


Expedition Leader
I'm hoping to go, But I got a email from the gentleman running it that there has been little intrest in it and it may be cancelled.

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