Thanks everyone for the kind words.
aksavanaman, you can put two hundred pounds on the roof and still pop the top with out unloading it. You can put more on it but you will need to remove it before popping the top.
Codyy and gbail I pm'd you the info you asked for.
Jdl335 I just need a couple express vans to be willing to put money down and be patient to build a new chevy top. I was lucky enough to get a nice local couple to put money down on the ford van top. This gave me the opportunity to build the new mold. Originally I hoped it was only going to take 4 weeks but in reality it took about 4 months from the first thought of the design to the first van rolling out the door.
Tool man I do not have an out door pic of it closed that van rolled out the door the same day it was finished, but I will be doing an extended next month and I will be sure to get a full photo album put together for that one to.