CDL switch for 96 model


Renaissance Redneck
I am looking for a Center Dif Lock switch for a 96 LX450. Anyone got a spare or wreck to sell one out of? Thanks


El Gringo Spectacular!
Slee off road has them. Also, most dealers can order them. Try Dan Busey at American Toyota in Albuquerque. They run $40-$50 IIRC and it's an easy plug in install.


A Toyota hazard switch will also do the trick. I actually used a swithc that came form a Rav4 and it worked fine no problems. Check the Mud Classifieds as well and eBay


Renaissance Redneck
A Toyota hazard switch will also do the trick. I actually used a swithc that came form a Rav4 and it worked fine no problems. Check the Mud Classifieds as well and eBay

What year Rav4? I know they work, but didn't know if the north american models came with cdl.

I know slee and cdan have them, but I am poor this month so a wrecker is more my speed right now.


What year Rav4? I know they work, but didn't know if the north american models came with cdl.

I know slee and cdan have them, but I am poor this month so a wrecker is more my speed right now.

I have never seen a RAV4 with one, not saying they do not. For the cheap solution get a hazard switch its a very simple install, you just need to trim the plug the slightest amount. I used the hazard switch in mine LX450 to test the CDL worked great.


I am not sure what year Rav4 it came out of. I picked it up on eBay for a song and the description said it was out of a Rav4. I installed and it worked, that is all my concern was.


Expedition Leader
What year Rav4? I know they work, but didn't know if the north american models came with cdl.

I know slee and cdan have them, but I am poor this month so a wrecker is more my speed right now.

If short on cash use the hazard switch you presently have...when was the last time you needed your hazard llights. Takes about 5 minutes tops to switch back if needed.


Renaissance Redneck
I will probably just grab a hazard for now. There is one last place I will check locally that does JDM parts and my have one. I want the proper one, but the hazard switch is only about $10 and $75+ for the cdl is nuts. Same switch with different graphic?? Crazy!

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