Charging Woes? E350 7.3


My batteries have been on their way out for some time now.....and the colder weather pushed them over the edge. I was getting a no crank due to very dead batteries only when cold.

Naturally I replaced then without digging any farther as I have known they are tired. The van starts fine now.....but the charge volt meter on the dash reads one quarter now while before it sat dead middle of the Gauge.

Batteries with the engine off read 13.3 volts and running I am getting 14.6 volts at both of them. Do I have a problem here? Just a little worried because the gauge reads different.....but the volt meter indicates they are charging.

It's a 1995 e350 with the 7.3 diesel. It's an old ambulance though so I don't know how it's wired with dual batteries.



I think your gauge is off. That sounds right to me.

Did you buy this last winter? Cause it sure looks like this van that I really wanted but had just bought mine.

If so I am so jealous and I still want it!

Edit: looks like we have the same taste in skis too!

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I think the one in NH was an IDI
maybe it was a PSD.
I do remember seeing something like that on CL
I'd bet the gauge is bad.


No way man look at those stickers on the hood!

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Sure is the same one! We bought it last winter and love it! Always tinkering on it though that's for sure.

I feel it must be the gauge as well, just seems very odd it changed after changing my batteries.


I would wait and see if it changes. If not hook into the OBII and see what the computer is doing. Might need a new sensor. Cranking over dead batteries can cause electronics issues. For example it killed my stock radio.

The PO wasn't interested in sharing any interior photos, can you give us a peak?

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Not sure how much info will come up on the obdII because it's a 95. I will keep an eye on the batteries and charging, hopefully nothing is wrong.

I would be happy to take some for you guys. It's pretty basic but works great for what we use it for.

What did you end up buying?


I spend most of my time on backcountry XC these days. I'm planning a trip to Gore in February. Don't think my rig will be up with me though.

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Will do! I think I am going to make a trip out there one way or another in the coming months.

Thanks! I'm not the most impressive builder, but I hope that documenting it will provide helpful info to others and make it a more attainable project for someone else.

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