Colorado BDR

The end of September some of the Tracks for Tomorrow (TTT) group spent ten days exploring the area along the Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route. We had a great time. Here are some highlights of the trip. You can read the full report and see additional photos on our travel blog. I will get some video posted on YourTube of the trip in a few weeks.

The western wildfires were still burning when we started the trip. As a result we had only one clear and starry night.

We stopped at Woods Lake for lunch and to enjoy the view.

Some of the mine ruins on the way to Animas Forks.

Animas Forks ghost town sits in a beautiful valley.

There were many high mountain streams with beaver lodges and dams in them.

Ophir Pass

On the way to Animas Forks we came across a sober reminder to drive carefully, a wrecked ATV, and pay attention to the road. It is easy to get distracted by the scenery.

There were lots of cold high mountain lakes.

We traveled over 11 mountain passes ranging between 10,000 and 13,000 feet.

The views were fantastic.
This the first in a series of real time videos showing what it is like driving the high mountain passes on the Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route.

In this video we are traveling west to east from Ophir Colorado over Ophir Pass to U.S. Highway 550.

The video shows the entire drive in real time. It is from our September 2020 trip. Please be aware that the road conditions have probably changed by the time you watch this video. This video is for your enjoyment only and should not be used for any other purpose.

You can read about this and our other adventures as well as see photos of our trips on our travel blog,

You can help support the production of more remote travel videos like this one by becoming a member of our Patreon team,

Going up and down Ophir Pass
Here is the next video in my Colorado Passes series. Like the previous one it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Going up Corkscrew Pass
Here's another pass video. Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Hurricane Pass to California Pass in Real Time
Here's another pass video. Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Hurricane Pass to California Pass in Real Time
Animas Forks is a ghost town north of Silverton at an intersection on the Alpine Loop. In this video we work our way down from California Pass to Animas Forks. Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

California Pass to Animas Forks in Real Time


New member
great video. How does the right of way work on some of those tighter sections? Sounds like the lead said "they have the right of way" aT one point.
There were many times on the trip when an up hill group pulled off in a wide spot to let us downhillers pass by. We did the same on occasion. If someone is being courteous and stopping when they actually had the right of way you might want to thank them as you go by.
The drive up and down Los Pinos Pass is now up on YouTube. This was definitely the easiest of the pass with only about 1,260 feet of elevation gain. The easiness of the drive was offset by the groves of aspens that were turning yellow. Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Up and Down Los Pinos Pass in Real Time
Am a bit over half way posting the Colorado BDR pass videos on my travel blog and YouTube. This one is going up and down Cumberland Pass. Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Going Up and Down Cumberland Pass


Thanks for the write up to the half way point, looking forward to the rest.

I wish I could of gone along, hanging with Frenchie is always a plus.
The Tincup Pass videos are now up on YouTube. This was without a doubt the slowest drive both up and down. It seemed like most of the road was embedded rock with a bit of dirt and gravel here and there.

On a side note, there is a bit of confusion on exactly how to spell Tincup. On some signs and websites it is spelled Tin Cup. On others it is spelled Tincup.

Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Going Up Tincup Pass

Going Down Tincup Pass
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The Weston Pass video is now up on YouTube. The road to this pass was littered with small loose rock making JR rattle and vibrate on the way up. The way down had more embed rock.

Like the others it is for your enjoyment and should not be used for any other purpose.

Up and Down Weston Pass in Real Time

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