Colorado Trip '15


My girlfriend are both from Durango, and we just moved down to Houston together so I can finish up a project that I have down there. We were only in Houston for a couple months before we decided it was time to take a trip back home.
Ended up being 10 days and just over 3,000 miles traveled.

We got a super late start out of Houston due to some last minute stuff my office sprung on me. Rolled out around 1530 and drove all night, making it to Bloomfield at about 0630 before tapping out and catching a couple hours at Angel Peak Overlook. I must have driven past this a thousand times and gone "hmm wonder what's over there?"
Woke up to this:



We rolled into Durango about 0930 and grabbed some CJ's burritos obviously, and took them to the girls folks house to eat. If you're ever in Durango, go there and get one and you will see. They are the breakfast burrito by which all other breakfast burritos are measured.

What do you do after a 16 hour, 1200 mile overnight roadtrip?
Hike into a picturesque canyon and go climbing. Clearly.



Little bro. I remember giving him his first pair of rock shoes 5 years ago and now he climbs 5.13. It's not fair.

After a solid 9.5 hours of much needed sleep that night we woke up and bid farewell to the '87. (see first post)
Then it was off to the high country for a proposed route of highway to the base of Engineer pass outside Ouray, then up poughkeepsie, over corkscrew to blackbear and chill in T-ride with some homies.
Well....The highway was closed after Ironton and I just really wanted to climb poukeepsie. Such a lame touristy thing to say, but the I simply hadn't run it in any vehicle yet, only moto, and it was literally the only piece of realestate in the sanjuans I haven't driven over yet. So we headed up corkscrew only to blow a tire at the summit after hitting a rock ledge a little too hot...No pics as I was busy changing the tire and trying to make it back to Dgo before our new Discount Tire closed because they had 1 285 Duratrac in stock. Of course I don't have a full sized spare...
But here is a lovely shot of my copilot getting some sunshine while I aired down at the base of corkscrew


T-ride plans shot to hell, we did what anyone would do. Caught up with old friends in Dtown, got rowdy at the schoolhouse and stayed an extra night at the cabin.

The house my dad built and I grew up in.

Fully rested and not hungover at all, we set out our eyes on Black bear to go see aforementioned homies.

Taking the sporty line up to the summit.



Nothing better for a hangover than a 9.5% double IPA at 12,8

Not flexing. Just saying.





Upon arrival we met up with homies for lunch at Smugglers, then ventured onward to the Grand Junction where additional homies were awaiting our arrival to go check out an experimental camp spot in the dessert. Not glamorous, but worth noting that it is only 10 minutes outside of town, and offers a good spot to have a fire, check some stars and worth note if you are in the "overlanding" frame of mind. And it is an absolute moto paradise.



On a tight time frame at this point we rallied to Denver for a wedding. The wedding was actually the entire point of this trip, but in case you haven't noticed I have the coolest girlfriend in the world, and she was stoked to go offroading, climbing and camping along the way.




A few torturous days back in Denver doing fancy pants wedding stuff we headed back to Junction for a brief overnight with homies then off to Ouray to catch the 1700 opening of Red Mountain.

We pulled onto Engineer pass around 1745. There was another Grey 5th gen with an ARB bumper airing up after running the Alpine loop from Lake City. Not sure if you're on here, but thanks for letting me borrow your ARB EZ air down contraption, guy from Reno!




Having never done the wall in a truck, but having lived there all my life I figured I would go ahead and run it at night. Made for a neat photo anyway.



Victory beer at the summit.

Wanted to pop the tent and camp at lake como, but we were out of food in the camp box and starving, so back to schooly for pizza it was.
The next day we sort of chilled out since we had been running pretty much nonstop since Houston. Mellow hike around beaver ponds for some "leafing"



Few chores around the house and then we sadly pointed the runner back toward Houston. An overnight stay at Lake Sumner proved interesting as a hellatious thunderstorm rolled through around 0130 with very heavy rain, wind and lightning. It was a sporty night in the tent, but we stayed dry and cozy.
The return journey to Houston is never as exciting. But Colorado will always be there waiting for our triumphant return. Next up, ski season! Already have some trips in the works.





Jrob! Nice images. You have spent good time there and enjoyed your journey. Me and my cousins also planning to take a tour of 15 days in Colorado. So I want to get more information about that place. Let me know what we can do there during our journey.

What part of the state are you going to be in?
What sort of things do you guys like to do?
What time of year are you going?


New member
I live in Colorado and I feel like I've seen your 4 runner before. Have you been by breckenridge at all? Looks like a really fun trip!

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I live in Colorado and I feel like I've seen your 4 runner before. Have you been by breckenridge at all? Looks like a really fun trip!

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Yea, I lived in Denver for a bit and we skied in Summit pretty frequently. Last time I was in Breckenridge would have been spring other than rolling through on this trip, I think we stopped for fuel in Frisco.


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