Creative methods to fund a build project?


New member
Besides peddling crystal meth for that sweet locker.....

So I've got a laundry list of mods I'd like to do for my 2011 4runner.

As a package its pretty solid, but there's tons of room for improvement over stock/slightly modified.

I've read thousands of build threads, everyone seems to be funding out of pocket, bloggers or sponsored semi commercial enterprises - like building and selling endeavors.

There has to be a better way with the internet now for the average dude (me) to fund a project.

What are some creative methods people are using here to fund their build?


If you have math or science talent, try tutoring local college or high school students.


New member
Anybody use some sort of internet method to raise money like a kickstarter campaign or something?

I dont know what the angle would be, maybe filming a video or something/documentary for a race?

I feel like anything towards Baja would be pretty eye catching.


You can give plasma. Find the nearest plasma donation center. They pay pretty well. Here in Arizona you can make up to 200-300 dollars a month.


New member
The only vehicle specific plans/marketplace (not instructables) I've come across in about 6 months of searching is

Apparently they are building a plans database/market where you can sell your build thread in a plan format for others

I figure if I can sell a few hundred copies for a few bucks a pop that would definitely cover some costs.

The only other way I can see 'selling your information' would be via a blog, but I don't have the time for a huge blog.

Maybe a youtube campaign with sponsors?


Regular Dude
Anything worth having is worth working for. I'm not wagging my finger at you like a father figure or anything, but you stated that you don't have time for a blog. I think this is where those that want free stuff clash with those that have creativity and are willing to put out some legitimate effort to get it. Crowd funding is the new thing, but the serious bucks come in the form of sponsorship.

Think of it like this- If I as a company am willing to give you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars of merchandise, I'm going to want something in return. Not a shout out on ExPo, or a line in your signature. Something significant. Go on a crazy road trip and report on my product, wheel something epic or take your vehicle abroad and show my customers why they too should use my stuff. There is a popular girl on Instagram that is a fly fishing guide. She gets tons of free swag from companies that make expensive equipment, but she is exclusive to them and goes on epic trips (you wont ever see her with an Engel Cooler). Now it doesn't hurt that she isn't too bad looking either, but that doesn't mean that you can't think of something just as unique.

It's tough, because I'm not sure what you do for a living, but you almost have to make your truck your lifestyle in order to devote that much time to a creative outlet that will bring in the bucks or gear. One of the first replies that said "Save up my OT and bonus checks" hit it on the head for 99% of us.

Just my opinion.


New member
Good points,

I'm a professional engineer, so usually have enough cash to float a project, I'm short time.

The idea here is to get a pulse on what available tools and methods are out there for project funding.

That Instagram chick is a good example of using a free tool to bring in a revenue stream.

There shouldn't be a reason why those practices couldn't be adapted to a build project.

The guys on roadkill are a prime example.


Don't do GoFundMe, a couple have tried on JF and got totally hammered, me being one of the hammers. My PO is if you can't build it on your dime, why should I give you mine. Do like the rest and whore yourself out to the man for extra coinage. I had a friend do GFM for her daughter to go to dance camp in NY. Very prestigious I get it, but she wanted money for sight seeing, and restaurants. We're not friends anymore, I'll be damned if she didn't get some money though. So I guess on that note there is a sucker born every minute.

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I have to agree with what's already been said. It's a work to support your hobby. There are people who turn their hobby into something more and are able to sell sponsorship but at that point it's no longer a hobby is it? And producing anything that would be of value to a prospective sponsor is going to be very time intensive, even if it's something as simple as a blog. Time you've already said you don't have, so what do you believe you can offer a sponsor that will be of value to them yet not require time on your part?

You've said you're an engineer and generally have adequate cash but are short on time. It sounds to me like finding sponsorship is not the answer to your question. In fact, I'd say you're in the opposite boat - you need a way to enjoy the rig (i.e. time off) after you've built or had it built.

Go to work. Earn some money. Build your rig. Don't worry about trying to monetize it unless you plan to make it your job. I know I blow thousands of dollars a year on my projects but hey...that's my entertainment. I'm not out at the bars on the weekends, I'm not going to movies or buying designer clothes. This is my vice and I've made my peace with it. I feel no need to try to get somebody else to pay for my toys, particularly when I consider that what somebody else would be willing to give me would not be free even if it cost me nothing out of pocket.

As for the 'gofundme' or similar sites, I have little respect for most of them. Generally what I see there is a bunch of people unwilling to work for what they want who want (expect?) other people to pay for their wants. It's the digital equivalent of begging on the street corner.


New member
You already knew the answer before you asked it: work and save for what you want, but in the meantime don't spend too much time drooling over all the cool and expensive stuff others have that you wish you had. That will only make you crazy.

Go make memories today with what you have and enjoy. There are tons of people reading this right now who would love to have your 4Runner. Carpe diem.


New member
You guys are right, I'm not arguing your logic.

But the point has been missed.

Let me rephrase the question because it wasnt about finding the best method of begging.

The point is, you can accept and totally eat the costs, and be a complete consumer, build something for yourself, or you can produce value that others could/would enjoy.

It's simple economics, put in xyz + creativity and the results could be more valuable than the xyz alone.

Look at 'roadkill' on motortrend. They buy junk and make free YouTube videos that lots of people watch and follow.

But if you dismiss thinking out of the box, then you'll surely stay in it.

Where are the business savvy builders?


Novel idea, work for it, and build when you can afford it. On a side note, please don't become a credit card builder. There are plenty of people it there thst max out all thier credit cards to keep up with the jones'. I've had my truck since it was new, and it's a 2004. It's taken me 12 years to get it this far.. and I'm nowhere near done.

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Self Funding is as creative as I get. The people that get sponsored/free stuff work hard for it. It is their job.

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