Criteria Model for Expedition Vehicles


Expedition Leader
I created a model to establish / prioritize / rank the criteria for an overland expedition vehicle.

The model is located here:

This is a true version 1.0, so I would very much appreciate some testing and feedback.

1. Download the model spreadsheet to your computer
2. Open the model in XL
3. Perform a File:Save As operation and change the name of the model to preserve the original version
4. Enter your data into any cell that is colored green
5. Perform periodical File:Save As operations as you load the model. It is a good idea to increment the file name as you progress, i.e. myOEV-criteria 01, myOEV-criteria 02, myOEV-criteria 03, etc.
6. Save the final version of the model

To Print:
7. Select File:print



Expedition Leader
Version 1.03

I posted version 1.03

  • Added criteria elements, e.g. transfer case type, air system, etc.
  • Added user comment fields (use these for specific parameters, e.g., "approach angle must be 45"
  • Added user criteria fields (use these to add your own criteria, e.g., "Integrated 125cc two stroke margarita blender"
  • Cleaned up some formatting
  • Headers display in view/edit and print

One thing I didn't document is the intended use for the model:

Document the general parameters, priorities and specific requirements for a proposed Overland Expedition Vehicle (OEV).

The model is intended to improve communication between potential OEV owners and their dreams, fabricators, subcontractors and manufacturers.​

In practical use it can help potential OEV owners identity disparities between their stated priorities / requirements and the characteristics of available platforms / vehicles.

Used together with the OEV Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model a potential OEV owner can have a much better idea of the type of vehicle they require and what the total ownership experience will cost.


Note: I will have very intermittent access to the Internet for the next few months so it may be a while before I can respond to feature / enhancement requests, bug reports, etc.



Expedition Leader
Version 1.08

I posted V1.08

  • Added OEV candidate vehicle fields.
  • Added OEV candidate vehicle criteria match fields, subtotals and totals.


Expedition Leader
Version 1.11

I posted version 1.11

  • Added new criteria
  • Re-organized criteria
  • Fixed from structure and format issues

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