Custom soft top

Jim K in PA

Greetings. I apologize in advance for the double post, as I have also posed this question in the Jeep section. However, the question is relevant to any soft topped truck owner.

I am contemplating making some substantial changes to my 2005 Jeep Rubicon Unlimited. These changes would necessitate a custom soft top. If anyone has had a custom top made, I would appreciate any feedback, advice, recommendations as to materials & methods, as well as potential vendors.

I am going to contact a somewhat local boat canvas maker today to get some input from them as well.



so these substantial modifications you speak of... what do they entail?

but anyways i was actually gonna uggest a boat shop or even a marina, but you beat me to the punch

goodluck with your quest

Jim K in PA

Thanks Gregg. I actually made contact with a "local" (about an hour away) boat canvas shop and will be stopping there on Friday to discuss my options.

The modifcations will be to the tub and frame aft of the stock gas tank. I want a soft top to fit the new tub length, and to have a different arrangement for the side and rear windows.


New member
I have not built my custom top for the scout yet, but I have done some preliminary research into it. I sent an e-mail to Haartz and recieved the following reply....

"Dear Drew,

Thank you for your 10/18/07 email and interest in Haartz convertible toppings. I apologize for the tardy reply. With my schedule recently encompassing some significant travel, I'm afraid response to consumer emails has fallen behind.

With regard to a topping suitable for an expedition type vehicle, we do not recommend any of the marine toppings as they are simply not rugged enough for that end use. Our recommendation would be our Sailcloth Jeep Topping (part # 5800001A). This is a Black, heavy duty vinyl topping with a polyester / cotton lining. It is the original equipment topping for the latest generation of the Jeep Wrangler. Due to its extra thickness, it also affords the best acoustics of any sport topping on the market. You can get this material from the following Haartz distributor:

I just realized that i wrote that e-mail in '07.....I really need to get going on that top, lol

B-D Company
1361 South Broadway
Denver, CO 80210

Tel: (303) 744-1405

Thanks again for insisting on genuine Haartz convertible topping and good luck with your project."

I called the guy and got a price but can't find it anywhere....didn't seem too bad if I remember correctly. They also make a 4-ply that is OEM on some jeep models (02-03 I think) but I have read somewhere that it can get hard to work with in colder weather due to the extra thickness. Hope this helps!

EDIT: I can't beleive that I wrote that e-mail in '07........I really need to get something going on the top, lol
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Jim K in PA

Thanks Drew. That is excellent information. I discussed materials briefly with the canvas shop. I have that sailcloth material now, as my OEM top is made from it. However, it does shrink over time, and at 6 years old is due for replacement. It has shrunk enough to cause the stitching to pull so hard on the material that the holes for the stitching are opening up and leaking. I would like a lined canvas material, perhaps even a double layered top. The canvas will not shrink like the vinyl based materials do, but will probably break down at the fiber level. Other than the shrinkage, my OEM top is still in excellent shape, and I put it up and down a LOT in the nice weather.

It seems that no matter what it is made of, soft tops only last 5-7 years at most.

Get going on yours! What have you modified to require a custom top on your Scout? I love Scouts, and seriously thought about selling my LJ to build a Scout Terra.

Thanks again.


New member
Thanks for the info. on the Sailcloth shrinking. I might have to rethink my material choices......I want something that will last a long time (8-10 years min.) as I don't want to pay to have a new custom top made every 6 years, but I guess I might not have an option. Haartz also had some interesting cloth options including the Sonnenland which is supposed to be very durable just don't know how it would hold up in typical expedition travel (dust, extreme heat, abrasion, etc.). I am leaning toward a multiple ply material as it would help with wind noise and insulation. Did the canvas shop guy have any recommendations? Maybe there is a way to take into account the shrinkage factor when designing the top so it isn't as much as an issue?

As far as my custom Scout, imagine a soft terra top that has the ability to convert to a full soft top when needed. I really like the terra look and most of my travel will be two or less people so i would normally run the terra look, but as my kids get older I want the ability to put the full top up and take the whole family camping. I will post up some sketchup views of my plans one of these days...the model is getting close to being done :)


New member
I came across bondcote while searching for fabric options and it seems like it would be beneficial to get their opinion......I mean holding up to military spec's seems to be right in line with expedition travel. I will post up when i hear back from them.


New member
Here is a custom soft top my buddy had made for his Suburban. I think it was around $500 and buttons on the sides and back and has a channel on the roof. Its pretty nice quality, not sure on what type of material it is. He had it made at a local upholstery shop.


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Jim K in PA

Yesterday I spent over an hour at the canvas shop talking to the owner about my project. She was very patient and receptive, and we have a number of ideas for making my custom length top. As far as materials, we discussed several differnt types, including Sunbrella. After looking at the samples, I came to the conclusion that the heavy sail cloth vinyl used in the Rubicons and last few years of TJs and LJs is the best option. She can get the exact same Haartz 38 oz. material in the same color as my OEM top (light Khaki), and that is what we will go with. She can also get the same tinted window material too.

The modification to my Jeep are relative to the length of the tub behind the rear wheel. I will be adding 12" to the tub. To support the top I am going to modify the rearmost top hoop for length (obviously), and will add two support struts that will go down to the rear corners. This will give the top vertical support in tension and compression. The OEM top uses the corner sections in tension only. We are going to eliminate the corner material, and have the rear and side windows zip together at the corner. My tub extension will have squared rather than round corners too.

I am just waiting on a price from her, then it's decision time. :sombrero:


compared to the sunbrella does the heavy sail cloth you decided on have the smae volume when folded up or will it take more space. i guess what i am asking is how much thinker and enser is it than the sunbrella material for when its folded away?

Jim K in PA

compared to the sunbrella does the heavy sail cloth you decided on have the smae volume when folded up or will it take more space. i guess what i am asking is how much thinker and enser is it than the sunbrella material for when its folded away?

The sailcloth is much thicker and denser than the sunbrella, and I am sure it would take up more space than that lighter material. But, that is the very reason why I will go with the sailcloth. The Sunbrella will be much noisier on the Jeep at highway speeds, and I suspect much less mechanically durable than the sailcloth. With this modification I do not intend to fold the entire top back often or at all. I will retain the OEM sunrider function up over the driver and passenger seats, and I will be making the side and rear windows much easier to unzip and roll up. In addition to the tinted windows I will also have roll up inside curtains incorporated into the top. They will probably be a much lighter material than the sailcloth though.


New member
I think I am going to go with the sailcloth in the end also. After the renewed interest in my top project (thanks for the thread Jim, it's just what i needed!) I did some follow up research and think that this material is the best I can find for durability, ease of cleaning, and noise reduction. I called that Bondcote company but their product wasn't quite what i was looking for and they weren't all that helpful in describing their product or offering help for my project. I will put together a build thread for it once i get a little closer to beginning fabrication.

Jim, I look forward to seeing your progress.... can't wait for the pictures.

Jim K in PA

:beer: Glad to be a source of motivation! :victory:

Post some pics of your Scout when you get a chance. If I were not already in the LJ, I would have a Scout (I think I said that already . . . )

I'll start a seperate thread when I start the stretch project. It'll be here and probably on ROF too.

Still waiting patiently for the canvas lady to call . . .


Did you ever get farther on this? I have been slowly building my own soft top for my LJ for about two years now...

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