I've found a local Craigslist post for a very good condition Defender 90. My quick research shows they began production in 1983, yet this model is listed as a 1981. I've done the vin code break down, and its correct on all counts, so it's not a typo. Did they make them in '81? Or is this just a prettied up series III (the leaf springs would point to this)? It's a left hand drive 2.5L NA diesel. Just trying to figure out this trucks story and where it came from.
I've found a local Craigslist post for a very good condition Defender 90. My quick research shows they began production in 1983, yet this model is listed as a 1981. I've done the vin code break down, and its correct on all counts, so it's not a typo. Did they make them in '81? Or is this just a prettied up series III (the leaf springs would point to this)? It's a left hand drive 2.5L NA diesel. Just trying to figure out this trucks story and where it came from.